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2 weeks later

Violet still wasn't back at work and no one had heard from her

You were in the kitchen on your phone drinking a coffee when you guys get a call to a beach

You guys get there to see chief already digging in a big pile of sand, you run over quickly with severide

You guys dig a most of the sand then get him out and breathing

As the ambo take the boy away you tap chiefs shoulder " nice job" you say and he nods tiered

You guys leave soon after and go back to the fire house

You walk in making yourself a snack and eating out on the squad table with Cruz as he talks about javi and his school

The rest of shift nothing really happens and you just go home after

You walk in with gallo " go up and pack up your shoes, even thing else is in boxes I think so ima ask jay to come over to help us move" you say with a smile and he nods " ok I'll be now in 20" he says running up the stairs

You sigh before jumping up on the couch and calling jay

" hey Jay, you know how you promised me to help with the move" you say after he answers his phone and you can slightly hear him laugh " yeah I did say that didn't I" he says and you smile " yeah you did, so do you mind coming over. Just so that I can take some doxes in the jeep and you can take the others" you ask
" yeah sure, I'll be there in like an hour" he says and you slightly nod to yourself " ok perfect thank you, bye" you say hanging up the phone

An hour later,

You and gallo had brought the many boxes to the door of your apartment then jay comes up

" hey guys" he says walking in and hugs you
" hey jay, thanks for this" gallo says doing they're boys hand shake " yeah no problem, I got Atwater down stairs to help, if you go down with him and open the jeep, you guys can drink then from the door to the cars" jay says to gallo and he nods going downstairs with your keys in hand

" so how are you" jay says grabbing a bigger box and you grad two small ones " pretty good" you smile as you guys start walking down

" how's gallo" he asks and you slightly turn to him confused " he's fine, why" you ask confused " nothing just wondering how he's treating my little sister that's all" he says and you laugh " I'm a minute and 20 seconds younger" you say and he laughs " still" he says then you give the boxes to the guys downstairs

You and jay go up and down the stairs with all different kinds of boxes

Thank god you guys didn't have to drink an furniture

Jay and Atwater leave to go to the new house and both you and gallo go up to the apartment

" bye apartment" you frown and gallo wraps his hand around your shoulder " come on let's head out" he whispers and you nod as you guys walk out leaving the keys with the owner

You guys get to your new house and jay was already carrying in boxes

" hey like the house" you smile and he nods
" yeah very nice" he says to you before continuing doing what he was doing
" anyways Atwater thanks for all the help" you say and he smiles lifting a heavy box
" it's no problem" he says walking in after jay

" well boys It looks like you guys got this covered so I'm going to get on the phone and get squad here to set up some new furniture I got" you say calling severide and Cruz and they agree

" Cruz and severide are coming and Stella to help un pack" you say as they all lay on the big couch in the living room " you guys finished" you smile and they nod Tiredly

Cruz, severide and Stella walk in and turn to see that jay, gallo and Atwater had all fallen asleep on the large couch

" what the hell" Stella mumbles but they walk in to the kitchen to see you with a messy bun with boxes everywhere and kinda unpacking but it looks like you're just making more of a mess

" hey" Stella says confused and you turn around with a smile " hey guys, thank you so much for coming" you smile and hug Stella
" yes so do you want me help you here" Stella says and you nod " yes that would be great" you smile happily and she nods going to the counter and organising a few things

" and you guys" you smile at them " I will buy you guys food if you help we with a few things" you smile brightly at them and they nod
" yeah we're here to help" Cruz shrugs
" yeah and for the food" you laugh then look at them " I have a few things you guys can do upstairs" you say and they fallow you up the stairs then in to the master bedroom

" so this is bedside tables that should only take 5 minutes to build but it you come in here" you say going in to probably your favourite room of the house, the walk in closet

You smile as you walk in with them behind you
" so I've marked out where all these bars are going in the closet" you say showing them the small marks " oh and don't tell Blake but I may or may not have wanted this house for this room" you smile as they slightly laugh
" well anyways this room shouldn't take 25 minutes to finish" you say walking in to the bedroom again " but two big strong men like you I shouldn't take you guys 15" you smile and tap Cruzs shoulder before leaving the room

You go down again to see Stella had gotten through a box already " you are a life saver" you say helping her " well what happened to the guys in the living room" she asks and you laugh " carrying box's, knocked them out" you laugh

The rest of the day you guys finish up a lot and you just ordered food for everyone from your favourite restaurant

The three from the living room was now up and kinda helping

Foods here everyone in the kitchen, you yell and they all listen and sit at the table in the kitchen

You walk in with a massive bag of food and a 12 pack of beer

You guys were all laughing when you stand up and take a sip from your beer

" thank you guys for helping us move in to this lovely house" you laugh and they all put up they're beers for a cheers " well anyway to moving in and great friends and family" you say and you all click the glasses together

"Well anyways thanks for everything guys, honestly I own you guys" you smiled at the boot because everyone was leaving
" bye you guys, thanks for the help" gallo says waving then you guys close the door

" you ready to go to bed" you mumble tiredly slightly stretching you hands " yeah let's go" gallo says wrapping his hand around your shoulder and the both of you go upstairs and to bed


What did you guys think and I hope you liked it

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