Secret Rendezvous.

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Taste of Desire  Chapter 2 Part of 1 of 2

Copyright 2013 © All Rights Reserved

Edited By; LadyDawn

Secret Rendezvous

“Damn Shana,” Darren groaned as he looked at the dress she was wearing. “You look sexy as hell in that dress, but...” Darren paused as he walked over to her before bending down and removing the green thong panties she had been wearing. “You won’t be needing these today honey.” Darren’s sinister smile resonating over his lips as he lifted the panties to his nose and inhaled the sweet scent of Shana on her panties.

“What do you mean I won’t be needing them,” Shana asked as she placed the tip of her finger in her mouth and grinned at him. “What is going on in that evil little head of yours Darren?”

“You will find out later honey,” Darren said as he gave her a kiss. “Don’t you think that you’d better be getting to work before you're late?”

“I can only fathom what you’re thinking Darren,” Shana grabbed her purse and harrumphed as she walked out the house to head for work. “Love you baby.’

“Love you too Shana,” Darren called back to her as he watched Shana get in the car and leave for work.

“If you only knew what I had in store for you my dear Shana.” Darren evilly laughed as he walked back in the house and waited for Shana to call him at lunch. He had about four more hours until that time and those hours wouldn’t pass fast enough for him.

Laying down in the bed Darren decided to take a power nap before he set his plan into motion. He knew he was going to need all of his strength for Shana today. He set the alarm clock for twelve forty-five so that he could make sure he woke up in plenty of time to have his little fun.

The sound of a nasally radio announcer suddenly filled the room, jarring Darren awake from his nap. It took him a second to realize that the alarm clock was going off.

Jumping out of the bed Darren, turned off the alarm clock and ran out of the room to get his keys. If he didn’t hurry he was going to be late and his whole plan would go to hell in a hand-basket. Jumping in his truck he started heading towards Shana’s work.

“Can this person driver any damn slower,” Darren grumbled as he looked at his watch. It was now one thirty and if the sight seeing jerk in front of him didn’t speed the hell up or get out of his way he was going to be late surprising Shana at lunch.

Looking up ahead Daren noticed the passing zone and was relieved to see it. He had twenty minutes to try and get to the park before Shana went to lunch. It was sunny outside so he knew that's where she’d probably be eating today.

“Finally,” Darren groaned as he passed the man that had been doing well below the speed limit.

Driving towards the park he smiled when he saw his phone ring and Shana’s picture pop up on it. Shana couldn’t stand the picture but Darren found it to be one hot ass picture. The sexy dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. She was one fine ass woman, even if she didn’t like the picture, he damn sure did.

“Hello,” he said, bringing the phone to his ear.

“Hey babe, I’m leaving for lunch?”

“So, are you going to the park, to eat?” he asked her, unable to contain his devious smile.

She was falling right into his plan and didn’t even know she was doing it. Darren had been planning this for well over a month and between work and the cold he hadn’t found the right time to try it. Lucky for him he had the day off and it was well over seventy-five degrees outside. Today was the perfect day to live out one of his secret fantasies.

He turned the corner and spotted her car parked on the side of the road. He slowly drove down it. Getting closer, he pulled off to the side to gather his bearings.

“Relax Darren,” he told himself as he caught his breath before he pulled back into the street and continued heading towards her. “The worse thing she can say is no,” he told himself as he eased up beside her.

Looking at her sitting in the car he felt an urge twitch deep down in his groin as she looked over in his direction. Flashing her one of his schoolboy smiles he continued to watch her as she greeted him with a smile in return and then rolled down her window.

“May I help you,” Shana asked sweetly as she stared at Darren sitting in his truck, eying her up and down. Sitting up in the Dodge Ram he was a lot higher than her and he had a clear view so that he could see her full body. The way the dress she wore rode up to her thighs to just below her panties was almost heaven in itself.

“Hel-lo,” she giggled at him while she watched his eyes secretly undressing her. “Is anybody in there?”

“Oh, I’m sorry Miss,” Darren politely excused himself as he tried to regather his bearings. “I was wondering if you knew where the library was?” he asked her and held the book up that he needed to return.

“The library? Really, is that the best you can do?”

His shameful grin told her that the library wasn’t necessarily what he had in mind. “Why don’t you come get in the truck with me?” he asked her. “We can take a ride or something?”

“Something?” she murmured and put her packed lunch over in the passenger seat. She could just bet the something he had in mind. It was that something that intrigued her. Lately, they’d been talking about fantasies and trying new things. She couldn’t help but wonder if this little unannounced visit had anything to do with their recent late night conversations.

What was her husband up to? Curiosity began to get the better of her.

She opened the door and stepped out of the mustang, kicking the door closed behind her. She left her pocketbook under the seat and pressed the lock button on her keychain. The car beeped twice signaling that it was locked and Shana walked around the back of the car and to the passenger’s side of it. .

She opened the door and had to step up on the side bar in order to get in the truck. “You look hot,” Darren commented, unable to take his eyes off her milky thigh. Her skirt had ridden up her leg. He suddenly remembered the green thong he had taken off of her this morning. If the skirt would’ve just move another inch higher he would’ve been gifted with the delectable sight of her pussy.

“So,” she started, pulling his attention away from her leg, “I know for a fact that you're not much of a reader. What kind of book do you supposedly need to return to the library?”

He reached down and grabbed the book he bought yesterday from Priscilla McCalls. He handed it over to her keeping his expression blank.

Shana took the book from him and her eyes instantly widened to the size of saucers when she saw what was on the cover. It was a woman, naked, tied up in ropes. The name of the book was Jay Wiseman’s Erotic Bondage Handbook.

She peeked over at him out of the corner of her eyes, but didn’t say anything. He was putting the truck in drive and pulling back out onto the road.

Shana glanced back down at the book and couldn’t help the shiver of anticipation that wracked her body. This was something that they talked about, but for some reason she just couldn’t see herself doing. Opening the book, she started to flip through the pages.

An image of a woman sitting on her feet, thighs slightly spread apart, head bowed,with the backs of her hands resting on her knees, palms facing up caught her attention. ‘Submissive position’ was listed under the picture.

The woman looked vulnerable. She was submitting herself totally and completely.

Shana wondered what it would be like for her to sexually submit herself totally and completely to Darren. She wouldn’t be responsible for making any of the decisions, instead he would be the one responsible for their pleasure.

The idea had always intrigued her, but she’d been hesitant to give up that type of total control. With two kids, her job and a household to run, she was constantly forced to make decision after decision. Sometimes, at the end of the day the monotony of it all would literally give her a splitting headache.

The truck came to a stop and Shana looked up for the first time since they left the park. Darren had driven them to a hotel. She looked over at him and this time he wasn’t smiling.

He gave the book a pointed look and then raised his gaze to lock with hers. “We’ve talked about this,” he said quietly. “We’ve both expressed how much we would like to explore. I’ve done some research and I know I’m ready to take the next step, Shana. The only question I have is, are you? Are you ready to take the next step with me?”

“Well,” Shana started before she looked back down at the woman in the picture again. She wasn’t sure she could or really wanted to give that type of control completely up. “I trust you Darren, but...:” she paused again and for the first time Darren could hear the fear in her voice. .

“But what honey,” Darren softly spoke to her to try and ease her mind. Reaching over Darren gripped her chin with his thumb and finger and raised her head to look at him. The fear in her eyes screaming back at him. “We don’t have to do this honey if you’re not ready.”

Darren pulled her into his chest and felt her wrap her arms around his waist gripping him tightly. He could actually feel her trembling with fear from the whole aspect of what had just been revealed to her. Darren had always been the teacher in the relationship and over time she had opened up quite a bit, but even he wasn’t sure she was ready for this awakening.

“Let me just carry you back to work and we will forget this ever happened,” Darren told her as he released her from his hug and placed the keys back in the ignition. “I should have thought this through more,” he said as he started to crank the truck.

Shaking his head Darren couldn’t believe he had put the woman he loved in this type of situation. All he had thought about was what he wanted, what he desired and what he wanted to do. He had never truly thought about what Shana wanted.

Pulling the gear shifter into reverse he turned to look back over his shoulder when Shana gripped his upper arm causing him to stop.

“No Darren, stop. I don’t want to go back. I want to give it a try,” she confessed with a little more certainty in her voice. “If I don’t try I will always wonder what caused me to stop.” The tone in her voice full of vigor and determination. “I may not be able to do everything in the book but I’m willing to try if it makes you happy.” Shana clasped her hand over her mouth as soon as the words escaped it.

Darren stared at her as the last few words of her sentence angered him. They both had talked about it, but now she was making it out like it was all just for his benefit. That was the last thing he wanted her to feel like. He wanted the both of them to enjoy the experience, not just him.

“I’m sorry Darren I didn’t mean it like that.” she pleaded with him. “It came out wrong.”

“Forget it Shana,” Darren retorted back to her and her comments. “I thought this was for our benefit,” he calmly told her as he emphasized the “our” with finger quotations. “Not only was I wrong, I feel I just gave you an ultimatum, do it or else sort of thing.”

Shana removed her hand from Darren’s arm and looked back down at the picture of the woman. Nothing in the picture showed she was afraid, scared or hurt. In fact it did the exact opposite. The lust and hunger in her eyes showed a true passion and enjoyment for what was happening.

Reaching over between Darren's legs she grabbed his phone and started dialing a number. Darren couldn’t see who she was calling, but he had a pretty good idea. He sat there still in the truck as he listened to the words she spoke to the person on the other end of the conversation.

“Hello Joe,” she greeted her boss man as he answered the phone.” Jay’s teacher has called and he’s sick. I need to take the rest of the afternoon off,” she told him smiling and at the same time she started to stroke the outline of Darren’s cock through his jeans. “Yes, I finished the Murray file, it’s ready for your four o'clock appointment. Okay. Yes. See you tomorrow.”

Darren couldn’t believe she was actually going to go through with it. He watched her as she hung up the phone and gave him one of those seductive smile he so thoroughly enjoyed seeing. When that smile crossed her lips he knew she was rearing up and ready to go and he hoped today that smile meant the same thing.

“Let’s go before I try to chicken out again,” she told him as she closed the book, grabbed the door handle and started to climb out of the truck. Darren didn’t have to be told twice and quickly slammed the truck in park, yanked the keys out of the ignition and climbed out of the truck.

“Are you sure Shana,” he said as he shut the door and grabbed the duffel bag he had placed in the bed of the truck.

“I’m as ready as I will ever be, I think.” she said as she walked around and intertwined her fingers with his. “Let’s go,” she hesitantly gestured as she pulled him towards the door to the motel room.

“No,” Darren groaned stopping her dead in her tracks. “If we’re going to do this we’re going to do it starting now.” His words making her realize for the first what all she was agreeing to.”You’re going to have to start giving up that control now–right here, right now.”

Shana stood there holding the book in her hand trying to decide between giving up and letting go or forgetting the whole thing all together. Shana knew if she wanted to experience the true pleasure of being totally submissive she was going to start now and she knew that.

“What’s it going to be Shana or shall I call you sub now?” Darren asked her once again.

This was do or die time. If she really wanted this all she had to do was say that one word.


“Yes,” she found herself suddenly saying.

“Yes, sir,” Darren replied.


“Yes, sir,” he said again in a clipped, no-nonsense tone.

It suddenly dawned on her that they were starting now. She looked down at her lap and the words seemed to trickle off her tongue. “Yes, sir.”

She could sense his approval. It was almost like an imperceptible shift in the air.

“Come,” he demanded.

Raising her head, she watched Darren strode over to a motel door. She shivered and then watched him open the room door. Shana quickly, but cautiously setting off to follow him. By the time that she reached him, he already had the door pushed open and was waiting for her.

He waved her into the room and his dark, chocolate brown eyes studiously followed her every move. Tentatively she walked past him, a little nervous and a hell of a lot aroused. She could feel the dampness of her pussy between her legs. The hardened tips of her breasts strained against the lace of her bra and a familiar pulsing ache throbbed deep in her core.

The door closed, plunging the room into shadows. Shana could barely see anything in the room, but she could hear her labored breaths of fear and heated anticipation. She listened as Darren locked the door behind him and the click causing her to snap her head in the direction of the room echoing sound.

“Are you ready Shana,” Darren spoke through the dark shadowy room. “Are you ready and prepared to be my submissive?”

“I think so Darren,” Shana timidly answered before she heard Darren stalk towards her. “What did you call me?”

“I’m sorry sir,” she answered after hearing his question. She finally realized that this was going to take some time for her to get use to, but she wanted it. The fire between her legs making that point very evident. “Oh I’m more than ready, can we start now?”

“Strip and assume the position,” Darren commanded. “But not like you do at home, I want you to go slow so I can revel in the sight of you.” He told her as he sat down in the chair across the room from her and clicked on the small lamp on the table.

Shana was taken by surprise. “What?”

Darren lifted himself back out of the chair and stepped forward. “I should not have to repeat myself, sub. You should be listening to your masters orders.” He clucked his tongue. “Now it looks like I just might have to punish you.”

Shana’s head whipped around so fast he fought to hide his amusement. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Since this is new to you I’ll go easy on you. I think five will do this time. Question me again and we’ll make it ten.”

“Five what?” Shana asked warily.

Darren narrowed his eyes on her. “Now it’s seven,” he told her.” When she didn’t move he spoke again. “Didn’t I give you an order, sub?”

She quickly bobbed her head.

“Then why are you still standing there, clothed?”

Shana swallowed hard past the tight knot of her throat. She was all too aware of the demanding tone her husband’s voice held now. There was no more questioning, no more hesitation. It was like a switch had been turned on and he turned into the overbearing dom. He was taking all of the decisions out of her hands and oddly enough, she liked it. She liked it a lot.

She risked a glance at Darren who was standing in front of her, his jean clad legs shoulder length apart and his arms folded over his chest. His eyes were hard and unwavering while he waited for Shana to do as she was told.

Shana kicked off her high heeled shoes one at a time.

Darren continued to watch her.

Feeling a little more confident in herself she hooked her thumbs in her skirt and slowly slipped the silky material down her legs. Reaching for the buttons on her blouse, she took her time in undoing each one of them, one at a time.

Darren had yet to move or say a single word.

When she was finished unbuttoning her blouse she shrugged her shoulders and let the material fall away from her body leaving her in nothing but her green lace bra. Her hands went to her back in order to unhitch her bra when Darren interrupted her.

“Stop right there,” Darren ordered gruffly. “I told you to go slow and...” Darren reminded her of his earlier words. “Since you didn’t listen it’s now time for you to accept your punishment, gladly accept it I should add.”

“Yes sir,” Shana gifted him this time at his order. “What do you want me to do sir.”

“Bend over and place your hands on the bed, legs shoulder width apart,” Darren ordered as he walked over to his duffel bag and unzipped it. “What shall I punish you with?” he speculated, sifting through the bag.

Shana watched as he pulled several toys and new things she had never saw before out of the bag. Darren was going all out to make both of their fantasies come true. She felt a smile form on her lips as he looked like a man on a mission to find just the perfect toy to punish her.

“Ah ha,” Darren moaned as he lifted the item he was going to use to punish her out of his bag. “I think this is a good thing to start with,” he said as he looked over his shoulder at Shana who was still watching him very intently.

She had her diamond shaped, hazel eyes fixated on his hands. She couldn’t make out the item he had in his hands, but he seemed really pleased with his choice. Walking towards her he placed his hand on her shoulder and dragged his fingernails softly down from her shoulder, gently down her back and to the edge of her ass before her stopped.

“Oh,” Shana moaned when she felt him continue down over her ass cheek on his way to her foot. “What are you going to do sir?”

Bending his head closer to her ass he gave her right cheek a nip with his teeth and chuckled when she lunged forward.

“Did you like that sub?”

“It surprised me Darren,” Shana answered him before she felt him nip her other cheek because she called him by his name. This time the nip was a little harder. She was quick to rephrase her statement. “I mean sir, I’m sorry sir.”

“Lift your legs one at a time,” Darren ordered as he watched her lift each one. Slowly he placed the thin fabric over her ankles and then pulled it up her legs and over her ass.

“Can I ask why you’re putting panties on me sir,” Shana started before she felt the lite shock against her clit causing her to crumble to the floor. “UGHHH,” she moaned heavily at the sudden jolt that send impulses through her entire core.

Seeing her crumble to the floor Darren knew she wouldn’t make the mistake of not calling him sir again. “Every time you don’t call me sir,” Darren growled at her as she huffed her breath trying to recover from the first initial shock. “I am going to press the button on this remote.’

Looking up at Darren she could see the small black remote in his hand. The little thing had sent shivers of shock over her clit. For something so small it damn sure had a way of bringing a woman to her knees. She sat there on the floor still trying to regain some form of resemblance to herself.

“Yes sir,” Shana awarded him as she stood back up and assumed her previous position on the bed. “I understand sir.”

Having her full attention Darren walked over and sat on the bed in front of her between her arms. “Now, you can undress me,” he ordered as she looked at his stern face. He had given her an order and she refused to get zapped again. “Do it very slowly sub–or else,” he threatened her, shaking the remote in front of her face.

She licked her lips in anticipation. A secret thrill shot straight through her. Getting on her knees, she reached for his right foot and pulled off his first shoe and then the sock. She turned to his left foot and did the same. Under heavy lidded eyes she looked up at Darren. “Like this,” she asked him innocently.

“Are you forgetting something, sub....,” he arched his dark brows and pressed the remote to zap her again. She gasped at the sudden jolt, causing her to grip his legs tightly with her nails digging into them.

“Sir?” She asked, struggling to think with the tingling in her pussy lips.
“That’s right, your learning. You are to address me as sir. Now,” he started, running the pad of his thumb over her lip, “you may continue.”

Lifting up on her knees she went to the snap of his pants and pulled. The pants came undone and she could see the outline of his thick cock straining against his zipper. Leaning over, she used her teeth to drag the zipper down.

Darren was commando and the purplish head of his cock peeked through the zipper, a bead of pre-cum on the tip. Before she thought better of it she leaned in and licked the pre-cum from his cock.

Darren let out a sharp hiss between his lips and she smiled to herself, two could play his game.

Before she could get any further, Shana felt Darren's hand at the back of her neck. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her face back so that she had to look up at him. The expression on his face said it all.

“That was a bad, bad girl,” he chastised her. “Did I tell you that you could lick my cock?”

“Eh, no sir,” she replied hesitantly and tried her best to look away from those hard brown eyes. Darren held her tightly, not painful but tight enough that she couldn’t look away from him. “You didn’t sir” she woefully admitted.

“Then what are we going to do about that, sweetheart? I can’t have a sub that doesn’t behave herself, now can I?”

She tried again to shake her head but the simple movement was restricted. “No, sir,” she finally said, “I suppose not sir.”

“Alright, then,” he sighed and tugged her hair. “Up here,” he said, patting his legs. “Face down, ass up.”

At first she didn’t move and felt the zing in her pussy pulsate. He was pressing the button and the vibrations were fashioned so that they were focused on her swollen clit. She could feel herself already getting close to cumming and bit her bottom lip.

“Don’t you dare,” he warned. “If you cum before I say you can cum then I’m going to make you suck my cock until I’m cumming in that pretty little mouth of yours. You’ll swallow everything that I have to offer you, is that understood?”

She fought the feeling back and tried to stand on quivery legs. She’d never wanted to cum so bad in her life. When she finally made it to her feet, the vibrations stopped.

“Take off the panties,” he told her.

She didn’t have to be told twice. Those things were a torture device and he wasn’t going to let her cum. Reaching down, she pushed the panties off her legs, kicking them to the side.

She looked up at Darren questioning and he waved his hand to her, “Come on.”

Awkwardly, she walked over to him and draped herself over his legs. Her hands touched the floor and she felt one of his hands press down between her shoulder blades. “Ten smacks now,” he informed her and lightly started to rub his other hand over both ass cheeks. “Can you tell me why you're being punished now.

Shana stared at the floor. She’d never felt so vulnerable in her life. His fingers lightly dipped down between her legs, feathering over her clit. “Um,” she struggled to think again, “because I forgot to call you sir?”

She moaned at the feel of his fingers massaging her clit. Suddenly his hand was gone from her pussy and she didn’t have time to prepare for the sharp sting of his first slap.

“Count for me,” he commanded and went back to gently massaging her tender ass cheek.

“One,” Shana said when she finally, found her words.

“Good,” his finger once again went down between her legs, circling around her aching clit. “Tell your master what else you're being punished for.”

“For licking your cock without your permission, sir.”

Four slaps came in sharp succession, pausing only to give her time to count, none of them in the same place. Her ass was burning now and her pussy was aching for him to let her finally cum.

“Very good,” he congratulated her and went back to soothing the fire in her ass. Her breaths sped up. “But I don’t think I heard you counting, sub.”

Between breaths, she counted, “Two, three, four and five.”

“Good, girl,” he crooned, his fingers finding the soaked folds of her pussy. “You like this, don’t you sub?”

Shana was trying hard not to be embarrassed. Darren was right, she liked this a lot, but she didn’t think that she could say that to him out loud. Although it felt so good she couldn’t help, but feel like it was wrong.

“I didn’t hear an answer, sub.” He landed two more smacks on her ass, one on each cheek, both harder than any of the other ones.

She gasped at the feel of her stinging skin. “Seven... eight,” she counted out loud and then promptly added, “Yes, sir, I do like the way your hands feel on me.”

She heard his deep chuckle reverberated in his chest.. “Your ass is turning a beautiful shade of red, sweetheart. I must admit, I like this color on you.”

His large calloused hand was once again soothing her skin. She sighed at the gentle feel of his touch. He palmed her sex, making her moan when one finger dipped inside her swollen folds.

She moaned once again and his hand was gone.

“Enough of this,” he announced, “we need to finish the punishment to get to the good part.”

Two more times, he slapped her ass.

Shana yelped and followed up by counting loudly, “nine, ten.”

Three fingers rapidly plunged into her core, in and out while he squeezed her tender ass cheeks with the other hand.

“Please let me cum, sir,” Shana cried out feeling his fingers driving her to the brink of a strong orgasm. She had been holding the pleasurable orgasm she wanted to release for so long she wasn’t sure she could hold out any longer. “Please sir.”

Darren smiled a huge smile when he heard her beg for her release. The power he had over her and her orgasm was erotic and gifted him what he was thoroughly enjoying. Power was intoxicating to him, but her begging only added to it.

“Alright my sub,” Darren rewardingly said as he continued to slide his now soaked hand in and out of her. “You may cum, but...” he paused as he slowed his fingers and caressed her ass more gently.

He could feel the twitches of her orgasm trying to erupt, but it wasn’t time yet. He had one more demand she must meet before he allowed her a release. Grinning down at her he saw her biting her lip with her eyes clenched tightly. He knew she really wanted to explode and now he was ready to allow her.

“Alright Shana, you may cum, but I don’t want to hear a sound out of you as you do. I want you to hold it in until I tell you to let it go. ” Darren spoke to her making sure she understood the rules.

“Cum for me now, Shana” he ordered and just as soon as he told her too he felt her insides start to spasm out of control. Every tightening feeling causing her to arch her back and thrash her head from side to side.

“Scream for me Shana, scream your pleasure.” Darren demanded in a heated tone.

“FUUUUUUCK!” Shana screamed out loud, erupting in true and utter carnal bliss. Shana continued to moan as every explosion of orgasmic fluid leaked out of her core. She was squirting hard and had no control over her own body.

Darren had carried her to the brink of wanting to be punished as long as she got to cum, but she held it in. Letting him control when she could cum turned her on more than she had ever been turned on in her life. She never imagined giving up that type of control would lead to this type of orgasm.

Shana collapsed heavily on his legs as she rode out wave after continuous wave of fluid dripping from her pussy. Her labored panting was anguished and erratic. Her reward was well worth the experience. She was amazed by the ability he had to control her whole mind, body and soul.

It was an awakening like no other.

“My turn,” Darren said as she laid there motionless across his legs eyes closed. “We have an entire afternoon ahead of us, my sweet sub and we’ve only just begun.”

Her eyes popped back wide open!

To be continued.................

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