Catch of the Wild (Part 1)

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Catch of the Wild By Psdoffhby & MercyRose

2013 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Edited by: LadyDawn

Part 1

“Good Morning Beautiful,” Darren whispered softly into Shana’s ear trying to wake her. “Time to wake up.”

“Five more minutes,” she hissed covering her head with the pillow. “It’s the weekend.”

Chuckling to himself Darren eyed her as he slid off the bed. Every weekend it was the same thing with her, but today, today was going to be different. Tiptoeing towards the end of the bed he looked up at her partially covered body, ogling the one single breast that was exposed.

“Are you going to get up honey,” he politely ask, gripping the covers in a fist. “Or do I have to make you get up?”

Giving the covers a light tug Shana quickly grabbed them trying to resist his pulling them off. She wasn’t in the mood this early in the morning for games. Yanking them back up her body she suddenly felt a cool breeze overtake her now naked body.

“Dammit Darren,” she fussed sitting straight up in the bed. “All I ask for was five more minutes and your ass wants to play.”

Jumping out of the bed she ran into the bathroom slamming the door behind her, listening as Darren laughed at her agitated state. Walking over to the door he lightly tapped on it eager to aggravate her even more. He had made plans for today and he would be damned if she was going to ruin them.

“Honey,” he teased as he dragged the door with his nails. “Honey, are you mad? he giggled, quietly knowing good and well she was.

Really he couldn’t blame her after the week she’d had at work. Everything seemed to go wrong and she’d told him how bad it was. He continued to listen as he pressed his ear to the door. Hearing the toilet flush and then the faucet cut on he knew she was now up and not by her own choice.

“Yes I’m mad,” she growled yanking the door open. “It’s a Saturday morning and I would’ve loved to sleep in.”

Darren gazed up and down her naked body. She was standing there with her arms crossed over her belly directly under her breast. She looked hot as hell when she was mad, and he would’ve loved nothing more than to take her right where she stood.

“Get dressed, it’s time to go.” he told her as he turned and walked towards the bedroom door. “I have a surprise for you today.”

“Surprise, what kind of surprise,” she asked following in behind him. “You didn’t tell me we were going anywhere.”

Turning around he looked at her as she had closed the distance between them. He now had her full attention and a smile was plastered all over her face. Looking like a kid at an amusement park he just had to smile back at her.

“That’s the reason it is called a surprise,” he joked with her. “Now get dressed while I get your coffee, your clothes are in the closet.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2013 ⏰

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