Rilly pov: right now i am in luckes bed bar naked. With luckes hand round my wast. I need to use the rest room and I change in to shorts with a bar on than.I got out of luckes arm and I went than I looked at the time it was 2 am. Than I went to the bathroom I started my perand th and my head stars to go wild if luckes finds out (I know luckes will Never do this ) Rilly mind:Luckes: rilly what is this he punts to the bild stane on th bed Rilly: I am sory luckes it comes one a month I can't handle it I did not know it was coming at all I swear Luke: i am sory that i have to date a ugly slut and a disgusting person with bleeds End of rilly mind I start to cry a little bit because I don't want luckes to act like that Lucks pov: I hera crying form my bathroom I got up and put some trunks on
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Th room
I go in to the bathroom and see rilly crying near the sinck I godo down to her leverl I ask her why she is crying Luckes: jelly bean whay you crying Rilly looks up at luckes Rilly: oh I am sorry I worke you up Lucks: it ok but what worg Rilly: well I stated my period today Luke's: oh so it totally normal sweet hart Rilly: you are not yelling at me Lucks realizes Does she thick that I will yell at her Lucks: no naver He sits down next to her Lucks: it ok I swar did yor mind thick Rilly nods Lucks oh hunny he pulls her on to her shoulder She flowers and cry's on his shoulder Lucks it that why you are crying because you thought my recacgn will yell at you and say words Rilly nods Lucks: oh jelly You want to go back to bed Rilly nods and gets up than notice a blur stan on her side of the bed luckes looks and siighs in a upset way but not going to yell way Rilly: pounts look thare i am so sorry luckes Luckes kiss her hend Luckes smiles at her Lucks: baby you get clean up and i will change the shers and put new ones on ok Rilly nods and he and ti the shower Lucks takes of the sheat off and puts it in the washing much than put it in the dryer after than he put new ones on he gets in of his shirts and her underwear and puts on the toilet than gets in bed wats fir rilly to get out and now he is watching tv on his tv Once rilly get out Rilly pov: i get out of the shower and than I noticed some pjs that lucks for me he is the sweetheart. I put the under ware on and some pads. Than I put he shrt on than I see him watching tv Rilly: hi Lucks puse the show Luckes: hi how was it Rilly walks over and hopes in bed with 2 towels one for one side and the Onther for next ti lucks she puts tham under her and cuddling up next to luckes with an hand arand her Rilly good Lucks smiles Lucks i am glad you like it hunny Rilly wat are we watching Lucks delyn is in truble (I love him he is funny ay wat back to the story) Rilly: oh I love him witch one Lucks:the tit list one wher he rate thr tick tick songs Rilly: amazing After Thay went ti sleep cuddling