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( Burrow-Brennan wedding )

Joe made a bet with Ja'marr he would cry, and he had a strong feeling he'd be able to actually win. Even through the lanterns hung around the wedding venue dimming, Delilah's mother walking her down the aisle, even looking into her eyes as she finally reached him, Joe was able to keep from crying.

But it was when Delilah finally opened her mouth that he felt like he would break.

"Joey... My prince, we both know that neither of us are very good talkers. But here I am trying anyways. That's how much I love you." They both let out soft chuckles and Joe scrunched his nose at Delilah, who stuck her tongue between her teeth.

"We first met at the locker room in Tiger Stadium. You had no idea who I was, I had no idea who you were, but already you hated me because I was occupying your locker for a game I had that night. For the next two years, it was on again-off again between the two of us. I was with a man who never showed me the love you made me realize I deserved. For so long we both ignored how much we wanted each other. God knows the weight that was lifted off my chest the day you finally marched up to me and said "Screw it.""

Joe gave a small smile and Delilah let out a breath, feeling the a cry get stuck in her throat.

"And... God, Joey, I just can't believe I'd ever meet someone who I can call my best friend and the love of my life, but here you are. Because you are my best friend. You're my most avid supporter, you're my sometimes obnoxious gym buddy, you're my practice partner, you're my protector. You're the Prince Charming I've dreamed of since I was a little girl. You make me feel like a princess every day, and I'll never stop being grateful for being able to wake up next to you for the rest of my life."

Delilah looked up from the piece of paper in her hand and saw how Joe's eyes had grown watery and red. She gave him a reassuring smile but seeing her eyes light up made him break. Joe let out a small sob and looked down at his shoes, wiping at his eyes.

"Joey..." Delilah reached forward and took his forefinger in hers, shaking it softly.

"Well, there's your bet Ja'marr." Joe called out, which sent a wave of laughter throughout the attendees.

"Okay... Well, that's a bit hard to follow. Not good with words, my ass." Delilah grinned playfully as Joe pulled his vow from his pocket.

"Lilah, my angel. Sorry, God, you look so beautiful." Joe shook his head, tearing his eyes away from the woman who was minutes away from being his wife.

"The first time we ever kissed, I had the realization that I never hated you, I hated the way I fell apart at the sight of you. The way my knees would feel like Jello, and my hands began to get clammy. How could I play in front of thousands of people every week, but get so anxious and nervous around one girl? It kind of pissed me off." Delilah threw her head back laughing, but really it was to keep the tears from falling and ruining her mascara.

"I say this a lot and I'll never stop, you truly are my person. You're my best friend. Everytime I see you, its like watching a piece of me and my heart walking right in front of me. I worth more about you and your injuries than J ever had myself. And no award or title, nothing in the world, could ever compare to when you call me yours. To when you call me your prince. Delilah, you're my cherry on top. For the rest of my life all I ever want to be is yours and for you to be mine."

"Well, you're gonna love what happens next." Delilah spoke up and Joe gave her a side eye.

"We are at the altar and you still have to interrupt me."

"Love you, prince." Joe rolled his eyes and put his vows back in his suit pocket.

"Now, doesn't after me..." The priest spoke up and Delilah began to bounce from foot to foot, realizing she was getting married.

"I, Delilah Althea Brennan-"

"Can we skip to the 'I do' part?"

"Lilah!" Joe muttered and threw his head back as everyone giggled softly.

"If that's what you'd like." The priest shrugged his shoulders.

"Delilah Althea Brennan, do you take Joseph Lee Burrow to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"Yes, duh." Delilah giggled and Joe felt his ears grow warm as he looked at her, feeling so undeserving of being loved by a woman like her.

"And do you, Joseph Lee Burrow, take Delilah Althea Burrow to be-"

"Clearly." Delilah jumped up giddily and grabbed Joe's face between her hands, slamming her lips into his as their families and friends burst into cheers and applause as the priest's announcement of them now being husband and wife was drowned out.

"I feel like we ruined it." Delilah whispered, touching her nose to Joe's once they pulled away from each other.

"It's our wedding, we can kind of do whatever the hell we want. Right, Mrs. Burrow?" Joe grinned, his arms wrapped tightly around Delilah's waist.

"I believe you are right, Mr. Burrow."

maddie speaks !

i hate my writing sm
i hate writing dialogue most of
all but anyways

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