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tw ! this chapter contains smut.

( Super Bowl 61 )

"Oh my God, Joey, you did it!" Delilah squealed as she walked up to Joe, bouncing James in her arms. James giggled loudly and Joe reached out to take his son from Delilah. The twins were running, practically knocking Delilah down as they went to wrap their arms around Joe's legs.

"Daddy, you won!" Rain squealed and Joe laughed, looking up at his wife, trying not to cry.

"I won..." He muttered, and Delilah felt like he wasn't just talking about the game. Joe's eyes locked with hers and the way he looked at her, she felt like a sophomore in college again, her knees weak and her ears warm.

"C'mere, mama." Delilah stepped over and Joe planted his lips on hers.

"God, I love you so much."

Delilah giggled when James reached between them and looked away to see the twins hanging off of Sam's arms while Gemini stood next to him with a beaming smile on her face .

"Love you so much more."

"Oh, yeah? Gonna show me how much more?"

"Joseph Lee, your son is right here!" Delilah slapped his arm and Joe threw his head back laughing.

"Like he even understands."

Delilah giggled as she sat cross legged on the hotel bed, watching Joe and Ja'Marr wrestled in front of her. She took another hit of the weed Ja'Marr had offered her and Joe when he arrived, even though she knew it was a bad idea.

Delilah could barely handle a shot, let alone weed, but her husband had just won the world championship. What's so bad about celebrating?

All three of them were high and tipsy, giggling like kids, and at some point, the guys had abandoned their shirts on the floor. Delilah wasn't complaining of course. Joe would be 30 this year but he still had the same body he did ten years ago. Maybe even better.

Delilah's eyes ate him up, taking in every curve of his body, every muscle, ever scar. That was her husband. Take that, Patrick.

She watched as Ja'Marr pinned Joe to the ground, taking another smoke and breathing out through her nose.

"Whatever you're lifting, Jay, keep it up." She said and both him and Joe looked over at her, Joe's brow furrowed.

"What?" Ja'Marr laughed, climbing off of Joe, letting the quarterback sit up.

"Just sayin', you look good." Delilah shrugged, sneaking a quick glance at Joe, who's face had gone red, his lips pursed.

"How good?" Ja'Marr walked over to her, hands on his hips while Joe stood up, clenching his jaw.

"Lilah, what-"

"You never thought of it, Joey? Us three? Never thought of watching while I fucked your best friend?"

Joe went pale, and Delilah looked down and saw the bulge in his sweats. She could feel Ja'Marr on her leg as well.

"Lilah, you're just stoned right now, this is stupid. We-"

"Just let her have her fun, Joe. You're turning down a threesome right after winning the Super Bowl?"

Joe scowled at Ja'Marr, but before he could retort, Delilah reached up and pulled Ja'Marr's head towards hers, kissing him softly.

Ja'Marr moaned against her mouth, letting her pull him towards to bed, his hands on either side of her to catch himself. Joe ran a hand through his hair, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

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