The kiss Part 4

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I get ready for school when my phone starts to ring I answer it to someone's voice who I don't recognize "yes" I said very confused "you need to stay away from Sam" said a very forced girl voice "me and him are just friends nothing more" even though I wished it was more the person hung up I thought for a second and realized my mom could call the phone company and get the number that just called me she does and gives me the number I ask around and find out that the number that called me belonged to Gabe why would Gabe tell me to stay away from Sam I finished school and I happened to argue with some of the kids calling me Ugis I did happen to tell some of them to kill themselves I went home and called Sam and told him about what happened this morning with Gabe he seemed very surprised when I told him he said he had to go but I could talk to him on AIM so I did we talked a lot when I fell asleep on my desk I woke up and shut down my computer it was the weekend so I decided to invite Sam, Anna, and maya over we decided to all go downstairs and get high together we go back to my room and I ask my mom if they could stay and they did we snuck out and walked around town laughing and joking around we came back and went to sleep I gave maya and Anna the bed and me and Sam slept on the floor I woke quite close to him I moved and fell back to sleep when I woke up he was already up maya and Anna were still sleeping so we just talked I told him about the boys and how they pull my hair and call me ugis "you know your not ugly your really pretty" "your just saying that" "no I am telling the truth" I didn't know if I should believe him but I had no reason to not believe him he grabbed my hand and we fell back to sleep I woke up to him still holding my hand I woke him up and we went downstairs and ate some breakfast maya and Anna were already down there we ate breakfast and then we hung out the whole day and then they went home and I took a showers and got ready for bed I fell asleep thinking about Sam when I woke up I went to school and I invited just Sam to my house we talked and hung out "can I kiss you" I start to blush "yes" he kisses me and of course I kiss him back

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