Jenna part 5

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After me and Sam kissed he started to get nervous and jittery I ask him what was wrong and he said his girlfriend Jenna (your thoughts will look like this) what he had a girlfriend "she is going to get so pissed when she finds out we kissed" he said with a concerned look on his face "who said she had to know" I said with a slight smile on my face "don't smile at me like that she has to know I just cheated on her" he said slightly raising his voice at me "ok but don't get mad at me you kissed me" "I am going to get mad at you your just so pretty how couldn't someone kiss you" he said calming down "do you want me or her" I ask him knowing he would say her " I want you" what why me I am the ugis "ok then you can use my phone to call her and tell her you guys are breaking up" he dials her number on my phone and tells her the bad news once that was over he looked at me and started kissing me I kissed him back kissing turned to making out when all of a sudden we heard someone coming up the stairs we move away from each other I go to my mirror and fix my lipgloss and he wipes the lipgloss from his mouth and the person who walked in I didn't expect "Jenna" I say confused also asking why she was at my house and then she starts yelling at me "YOU YOU YOU ARE A HOME WRECKER" me a home wrecker how he kissed me "YOU TRIED TO FUCK MY BOYFRIEND WHEN WE WERE TOGETHER" "I never tried to fuck Sam" I say almost in tears "YOU DID WHORE" she said still furious "no" I said crying "THEN WHY DID HE BREAK UP WITH ME USING YOUR PHONE" "because he was at my house I was helping him break up with you emotional support you know" "FUCK YOU" she says storming out of my room I look at Sam tears still rolling down my cheeks he stands up and walks over to me he wipes the tears from my face then hugs me "you didn't deserve that" he said looking into my eyes he leans in for a kiss i kiss him and then we sit on the floor cuddling for a bit when my mom tells Sam he has to go he kisses me and then says bye after he left I  got ready for bed and laid down thinking about all the events that happened to day I  go to bed with a smile on my face knowing that he chose me

Sorry about the short chapters I like it that way because then I can give them titles instead of part 1 I can actually add more to it

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