At the infirmary!

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You kind of struggled to carry his humongous bulky body, but you tried your best. You limped along to the infirmary with your big, injured friend.

"Ow, (F/n) you hit hard!" Reiner whined.

"Heh, sorry about my skills," you wriggled your eyebrows.

"Pffft. Skills," he smirked.

"Did you see your ass back there! I beat the crap out of you!" you whisper shouted.

Time skip to the HQ

You limped into the room to see a lady sitting on a desk writing things down. You slowly trotted to the desk and asked, "Hello, is there any free beds? My friend got roughed up on the field," you huffed, looking at Reiner's sweating face. Gee, he looked like he was in a lot of pain, but something in his face showed happiness. (Hehe)

"Yes, walk down this hall and turn to the second door to your left," the lady pointed down the hall. "Thank you." you nodded.

You shuffled down the hall awkwardly and entered the room. It was quite bright, with white curtains swaying to the breeze. Rays of sunlight lighted the room as the breeze blew on your (H/C) locks. "Okay Reiner, which bed do you want to lay in?" you chuckled. Without looking up, he muffled, "A bed big enough for the both of us," You blushed a little in embarrassment and was going to retort something back, but he was faster than you. He popped out of his tired state into an energetic one. He carried you bridal style and plopped down onto the biggest bed in the far end. He hugged your waist and nuzzled his head on your shoulder. "Mmf... Rein-" he placed a big hand on your face and stroked it in a hilarious way. "Hush, now child." he muffled on your shoulder.

You were trying to wriggle free of his strong grasp but failed. BIG snores then echoed through the room.

Crap. He fell asleep.

You continued to wriggle out but he just hugged tighter onto you, so strong for a sleeping person. You looked up at the open door and gasped. "Oi! Reiner! If someone sees us like this, we'll be screwed!" You panted. "Mmff... This will show... them.... who..... owns you....." he murmured through his sleep.

"H-hey! I'm s-s-serious! Let me go before someon-" something cut you off, crap.

Holy faa-

It looked like..... Bert

"BERTOLT!" you screamed.

The tall figure standing in the doorway stared at you. His face burned and reddened. "S-sorry for interrupting you!!!!!!!!!!" Bertolt screeched, running down the hallway. "NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!" you screamed, reaching out for nothing with your hand, tears streaming down your face. "Don't go....." you cried. This situation looked vaguely familiar. Lol.

Everyone is going to find out.


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