After the incident of prince rayyan the king decided to give them a break from searching,but the unknown person took a step and went to find kekeyi himself but prince dylan stopped him and told him to take it easy cause the forehead seems to be dangerous.
"hey dude you should calm down we've been helping little by little even though rayyan was then one who did most let's just take a break first i mean look at prince rayyan he ended up badly sick we should be careful" -dylan
".........sorry but there's not much time left princess kekeyi might go missing forever if we don't go fast" -?
"alright i'll help you but let's introduce ourselves first im prince dylan from the diamond kingdom and you are" -dylan
"im ar i'm from diamond kingdom to" -ar
"ok then buddy let's start with that mysterious forest shall we" -dylan
ar and dylan went to the forest they met the kidnap biawak's and gave them some food they continue on and they saw the same bright shiny light that prince rayyan saw,they went in and continue to walk then they saw a child crying
"hey kid what's your name and what are you doing here" -dylan
"my name is raka i tried to follow the two witches but then got lost" -raka
"witches!?,you saw them what do they look like" -ar
"they were biawak and was surrounded by blue lighting " -raka
The two looked at the child and decided to bring her on there journey dylan was a little bit annoyed about the child meanwhile ar was playing with the child dylan was also annoyed that ar was playing instead of focusing a strange noise then appeared it was the sound of loud music dylan raka and ar followed the sound of the music and they saw two biawak having a tea party .
The two biawak turned around and turn off the music
"ohh look we have guests" -?
"do you want to join our tea party " -?
"who are you two" -ar
Dylan and ar took out there weapons ready to attack the two biawak then started to laugh
"hahaha you don't remember us we are the two biawak bercahaya ilahi " -?
"what that's impossible the two biawak bercahaya ilahi died in the war hundred of years ago" -dylan
the two biawak started to laugh again
"hahahahaha you really don't know well let us tell you what really happened in the war" -?
"Hundreds of years ago in the war of the normal land and the abnormal land the two biawak bercahaya ilahi was stabbed by one of the prince from normal land but what the didn't know is that we used a spell to keep our souls alive so we left our bodies and went to the sky to have a nice long tea party" -?
Ar and raka believe the two biawak but Dylan didn't believe them dylan then started telling them that there story is ridiculous
"calm down we don't know anything about this princess you're talking about we just live in this forest " -?
Dylan got irritated and storm off ar said sorry to the two biawak and left what they didn't notice is that raka went missing .
"come on dylan let's calm down and try to find clues" -ar
ar and dylan went to find clues when they stubble upon a magic castle guarded by a dragon
"princess kekeyi must be there let's go get backup" -dylan
dylan and ar went back to the kingdom to get backup sadly the king didn't allow ar to join the fight with the dragon ar then storm off now it's up to prince dylan prince rayyan and prince faiq to save princess kekeyi.
the four prince charming saving kekeyi from the two biawak bercahaya ilahi
credits to my friends for the character
made by Meisya/Mellow
The four prince charming saving kekeyi from the 2 biawak bercahaya ilahi
AdventureThe princess of monkey kingdom kekeyi was feeling lonely so she asked her father king jordan to give her a prince charming jordan then asked his wife queen shazia to discuss about this prince charming they agreed to give kekeyi a prince charming but...