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Winter had managed to put back on the weight he had lost thanks to the construction work, a steady supply of food, and the occasional odd job from the rather strange hybrid, Django. However he couldn't seem to reach the same bulk he had before, but that's not to say he was thin or anything, as his father and brother had been rather larger and wide with broad chests. Winter however began to grow taller and longer like what he had seen with his sister before Jade Mountain– they were twins after all.

Possibility was still growing so he could always find work as he had gotten to know several construction crews around the town that would happily hire him on for an extra pair of claws. Apparently they appreciated the effort he put in, it was odd to him as he put in the same effort he did into everything he did, it felt wrong not to. At Jade Mountain he got to see the other tribes and their cultures but it wasn't to the same degree as here in Possibility. Knowing a Seawing and attending a school with them was different from working side by side with one everyday and then leaving work to get something to eat and hanging out. He didn't have a better way to explain it, but he got to learn and understand the tribes better than he had at the school.

However Django, his other current friend or acquaintance or, well, something– Winter wasn't sure yet. He was pretty friendly and while Winter was too proud to openly accept help, Django seemed to already know and understand. He played off what remained of Winter's IceWing pride and roped him into occasionally traveling to other towns. Then one day he asked Winter to travel with him as he claimed that he gets lonely while traveling between towns, and that he'd pay Winter a silver a day so long as he keeps up, as he surely could given he was an IceWing. Well turns out much to Winter's consternation Django only walks between towns and refuses to fly unless he absolutely has to.

The first few times were some of the hardest things Winter had done, he only ever traveled to nearby towns in the Skywing Kingdom and never into the desert. Django didn't hold back and walked rather quickly, in fact his pace was close to what Winter would call a light trot and the hybrid would whine and moan at how slow he had to walk. These trips consisted of a blend of taunting, goading, and oddly enough accomplishment.

It was on one of these trips that Winter agreed to that Django said he was traveling up to the new town of Haven. The trip would take more than a week for sure and Django insisted they get properly prepared. Winter and Django traveled down a road towards some destination that the hybrid had failed to mention.

"Why would I need these… things. We are traveling through Skywing territory and not the desert. I doubt it would be that hard to live off the land since you still insist on walking there."

"You know, as an IceWing I figure you'd understand the concept of preparation for troop conditions. This may seem silly to you but I'd imagine you've been taught military theory. Don't look at me like that. I know you had to have been in the high circles, it's your accent. Remember I'm half IceWing, I can cross the Great Ice Cliff and I have visited border towns and your accent doesn't match any of theirs. I can go on."

Winter let out a frustrated sigh. "I-well yes I have. As for IceWing military theory on preparation… troops are expected to be able to provide for themselves no matter the situation. There is more emphasis placed on equipment, training, and planning than actual comfort and the conditions of the soldiers."

"Well think about this as preparing equipment, even if you can just hop in the air and fly away to find what you need there are serious situations where you can't. I can tell you what happens to IceWings in the desert you know. Pyrrhia may be at peace but it's far from safe, there has been a rampant increase in crime almost anywhere I've been and it's getting worse. Getting jumped by yourself while flying is very very likely."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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