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Name: Jaune Coyote Arc, later Starrk

Age: mid 30 (alive), unknown (Hollow)


(Instead of brown hair, give him blonde hair)

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(Instead of brown hair, give him blonde hair)

Likes: Sleeping, having possible friends, sleeping, lazing around, sleeping, chess, sleeping, Tia Harribel (Yes i make them an item), sleeping, Tia's fraccion, sleeping, his harem, did i mention sleeping?

Dislikes: Being the leader, going against his morals, his strengh when he was a Vasto Lorde, lonelyness, seeing his friends hurt.

Personality: If he had his way, he would sleep for half a century, he is a very unenthusiastic man with a very great hatred for his lonelyness, although he is very powerful, he really doesnt like to be a leader and would find it as very 'troublesome' and a 'pain in the ass', when awake, he would spend his time with his mate Tia Harribel, even if he has to endure the constant bicker of her fraccions, his dream is to find a friend that can withstand his already vast power, he may not show it, but he remembers his past when he was alive perfectly.

Weapon: Los Lobos (The Wolves)

Weapon: Los Lobos (The Wolves)

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-Gran Rey Cero

-Sonido Master






  -Enhanced Strength

  -Enhanced Cero Firing

  -Enhanced Sonido

  -Cero Metralleta

  -Cero Oscuras

  -Enhanced Hierro


  -Soul Partition/Wolves

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