Prologue or whatever

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Jaune's POV:

Well shit, thats all i can think of right now, i just turned into an arrancar and every living being around me just straight up died, greeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat...

I dont know how many years went by but the way i see it, my family is as dead as dirt, my friends are as dead as dirt and my line is probably also as dead as dirt or still alive, i dunno, time is wacky here, welp time to do what i can do best, sleep 'til the end of time and wallow in lonelyness because i cant control my already vast power when i was a Vasto Lorde and now that im a arrancar, things went so far down to shit that it should be impossible but here i am!

*sigh* Whatever...

Timeskip to i dont know how many years

Another boring day, week, month, year, century, i dont know anymore, i look to my right and see dead hollows ranging simple menos to vasto lorde, i look to my left and see the same, all dead because they aresimply just near me, fucking great, huh? Whats this? A shinigami Captain? What is he doing here? Ah doesnt matter, he's gonna die anyway once he comes near me, it would not be the first time it happened, welp, time to sleep the lonelyness away, "You seem very powerful to kill all these Hollows." ok what? One moment he was a mile away and now he is right next to me, i look to my right and saw a brown haired man with glasses and the standard shinigami clothes, "I didnt kill them, they all died just by being near me..." i said and the man seemed to have a look of understanding, as if he also has the same problem, "Ah i see, you cant control your reiatsu, but thats alright, i can help you." he said and that got my attention, "Im listening?" i said and he explained that he has a device called hogyoku or whatever its called and can use it to make me more powerful and able to control my powers, "Alright im in, i have nothing better to do anyway..." and the shinigami whom i found out is called Sosuke Aizen then said "Very well, follow me." and with that we went our way.

Another Timeskip or something

Another boring time passed and i can say that i dont like the others with the exeption of two, Barragan, an eldery looking man with a god complex, is an arrogant little prick who believes everyone should be greatful that he allows us to breathe, Harribel is nice, she and i get along very well and i think that she is in love with me, only time will see, Ulquiorra is a little wierd, he is very nihilistic, but he is good company and i view him as my friend, Nnoitra is an asshole, enough said, Grimmjow is arrogant and battle hungry, he has no respect towards anyone and just plain annoying, Zommari, while having a good head on his shoulders, is also arrogant and obssesed with Lord Aizen to the point that i am very creeped out by that, Szael is insane, nothing more, nothing less, Aaroniero is just creepy, he is in my opinion a stalker and he should stay 10 miles away from me, Yammy is an idiot, a very arrogant idiot.

At least non of them die just by being near me...

Timeskip, again

I have no idea how that happened, one time i was sleeping and in the next i am very rudely awakened by Apacci, who thought that blowing me up with a Cero was a good idea, *sigh* Tia is going to kill me when she finds out that our bed is blown to pieces, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand she is right behind me and very angry, thankfully not at me,

Another Timeskip

That could have gone better, the battle of Karakura Town was going well, all things considered, heh, i really should have gone all out and not playing around, damn, i am currently falling to my death after recieving a very fatal blow, if only i could tell Harribel how much she means to me, if there are really gods up there, please... let me be with her when we arrive in the soul society, i close my eyes and hope everything will be alright...

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