Dust 'till dawn or was it dusk 'till dawn, whatever...

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Starrk pov

We went through the portal and our destination is really, really strange... in front of us is a couple that were litteraly fucking their brains out and were currently looking at us with a look of horror, worst part is, THEY WERE BOTH GIRLS WITH DICKS, HORSE DICKS AT THAT, you know what, i dont care- "WHAT THE FU-"

We are walking down the streets and i must say, the City look ok, the only thing that confuses me is that some people have animal traits, i know that when i was alive people didnt have those, "Now what, were back from the dead and litteraly meet two Goddesses that gave us a task that makes almost zero sense and the best part is that we are to keep it secret." said Appaci and Mila-Rose took said " Maybe for you, i at least understood some of that.", Appaci got angry and so starts their lovers spat, Tia is facepalming and i put a comforting hand on her shoulders.

Suddenly a guy was thrown out of a window by a short stack with a HUGE scythe, seriously how is she able to swing it, let alone carry it, "D- did that shorty just throw a man out of a window?" asked a completely shocked Sung-sun with the rest of us being wide eyed and nodding, i entered the store and saw more guys lying on the ground and groaning, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you were worth every penny..." said some orange haired weirdo with a very bad taste of fashion, he then bolted out of the store with the Red midget running after him, i looked towards Tia and she nodded, i then used Sonido and i was in front of the thief, who looked completely shocked, "How the fuck are you standing in the air..." said the thief, whoops.

Red midget pov

I was running after Roman when suddenly that cool guy in white appeared in front of him and he was standing in the air! Thats so cool, is that his semblance, if so then its really cool, Roman then fried to attack him and the guy in white then did something that made me pretty jealous.

(Skip from 0:07 to 0:09)

Im positive that these were just after images due to the speed he has that im not even able to scratch at, Roman SOMEHOW managed to block all the sword strikes aimed at him, that sword is a simple Katana that is pretty well taken care of, its cutting edge was incredibly sharp and i wonder if it was infused with Dust or if it is a mechashift weapon, which i doubt because it is missing the important traits of one, Dust infusion it is, the guy suddenly appeared beneath Roman and a bright dark blue ball was over the jaw piece that was under his chin, "Oh Fu-" was all Roman said when a MASSIVE beam of light litteraly illuminated the ENTIRE city of Vale.

(Skip from 0:20 to 0:23, yes its the same vid from the sonido section but i couldnt find a better one, sorry T_T)

"I feel so out of place next to him." said a voice and saw a girl that can give my sister Yang a run for her money in terms of chest area, she had a amazon like figure and long wavy brown hair on her head was a strange crown and her clothes are very revealing, "Well, he is the primera Espada, he is powerful, even more so than Lady Halibel." said a tomboyish girl, her clothings also cements it further with pants that are mostly for men and a jacket with nothing under it, her hair is black that goes down to her jaw and she also has heterochromia, one eye is blue and the other is amber, around the amber eye is a blue outline and she too has a strange head piece that makes her look like a rhino in human skin, "given how weak you two are, you wouldnt survive a second against him." said another figure with a lot of sass, she had a white dress-like... dress with long sleeves that covers her hands, her eyes were lavender colored with the right eye having three dots underneath is and a hairclip over it, speaking of hair, hers was an olive green that reached her lower back and she looked really pretty, the other two suddenly got angry and yelled "SHUT UP SUNG SUN!!!!!!!", i guess thats her name...

"Lady's..." said a voice that was way older than them, i looked behind me and what i saw made me very insecure of myself, the woman i saw was of a darker skin tone and her hair was a bright blonde, her eyes were teal colored and half of her face was covered with a long colar, said colar belongs to a jacket that covers all of her arms and only half of her chest, making her boobs stick out of it, she also wore pants with the only difference being that it covers only the front and back of her hips, on her back was a broad but short sword of mistralian origin, "Sorry lady Halibel." said the three girls and i guess the woman is called Halibel, i looked at her and she turned her head to me, she just raised an eyebrow and said "You can see us, can you?", what, what does she mean with that, does she mean that they are ghosts, like, dead people?!

She obviously saw my widening eyes and begn to chuckle, "Of course you can, no we are not dead, i just wanted to mess with you by saying that we are ghosts.", phew, i thought that they were ghosts, guess i paniced for no reason, "Uhm, but arent we ghosts, i mean, we lived for centuries so..." said the tomboy and i froze, what...

Haribel pov

I want nothing more than to slap Appaci right now, but thankfuly Mila-Rose did that already and said "What are you, stupid? We are alive and not centuries old, besides, if we were that old, then we wouldnt look all that fabulous right?" "Sorry..." said Appaci and i had to giggle a bit, yeah this is going be fun.


Or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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