Fake People

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Fake People - March 9th, 2013.

If there's one thing I hate the most, is fake people. Especially those ones with spray tan on, fake eyelashes, and enough foundation to cover the five great lakes.

Guys want girls with natural beauty, touchable hair/skin, and not have every guy on the street looking down your shirt because of how low-cut it is. Have some respect for yourselves, ladies.

Seriously. The last time I checked, being 'cool' doesn't invovle flashing your boobs to every man in South Carolina or wearing enough perfume for Pluto to explode. The poor thing is already small enough to not be classifed to be a planet. 

Another thing I hate - when girls scream really loudly. Like, I get it if you haven't seen your friend in a while and that you're excited, but there's not need to be all like "Ermagawd, like, OMG Jessica, did you get a boob job? I swear those titties were smaller the last time I saw them!". Not everyone in the school needs to know that. 

Or when they're trying to get attention on purpose. I get it if you think you're popular or something, but there's no need to scream every single word to the guy with you. To the ones who are not looking, it just sounds like you're trying to have sex with yourself. 

Like "No! Stop! Ahahahahahaahah! Oh God!"


According to my dad, swearing is very unfit for ladies... Sure, you might be tomboy or hang out with the boys a lot, or you just swear to sound 'cool', you don't need to swear every two seconds. Like "That bitch Brittany is such a fucking bitch, I can't fucking believe that she would do shit like that!" Or like "OMFG I just fucked this bitch named Brandon, and holy fuck was he the real shit!" 

Please...censor your mouths. 

That is very unladylike. 

Maybe we should go back to the 80's...when a girl would get grounded for saying a bad word.

At least I think they did...

Anyways, I hate it when girls make up fake stories just to fit in. Sometimes, you might've did something minorly cool, so you open your big mouth and tell the story, except that it is at least exaggerated to the size of Russia.

Close your mouth, ladies... The boys might get the wrong idea. 

I also hate it when girls think they're the queen, and that is like such a shock when someone don't know who they are. News flash, you're not. You're just a normal girl who injects too much botox with extra glitter who's ego is even bigger than your boob job. 

Okay, so to be honest, they guys usually lies when they say they like you without makeup. Because honestly, they don't. Unless you're one freaking hot girl with flawless skin, spider like eyelashes, and perfect eyebrows, then he's probably telling the truth. But in the real world, no guy likes to have an ugly, makeupless girl creeping at him when he wakes up. 

Oh, and don't forget the bed hair.


In that case...then you just have to find a guy who thinks you're funny or smart. 

I realized that this whole entry was pointless and mean, but I just had to let some steam out and yeah... :)

If you're not one of those people then...I hope you can agree on with what I'm saying, and hopefully realize that this isn't directed to you :P

M'kay, bye guys ^.^ 

P.S. I'll rant about fake guys next time :P


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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