Little Things

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*Warning: I'm feeling mad today, so swear words may be thrown at you!*

Hello My Uglies :)

You're all looking especially ugly today. Jokes...seriously, I'm kidding.

You're beautiful just the way you are ;) great now I'm quoting Bruno Mars, see how sad my life is?

You see, people say stuff like that as jokes, but people do actually take them seriously. And it hurts, okay? You can't just go around calling people fat bitches, when in reality, you're the one who's fat...and a bitch.

I thought people only treat others like that in movies, have you seen Mean Girls? Those girls are just...ugh, mean.

I'm sorry if this doesn't apply to you, but those girls have feelings. You can't just call them ugly or fat. Maybe they have family problems, someone might have cancer and be dying, you can't just joke around like that.

Or they might already be depressed, they might think that they have nothing to live for. And why do they feel that way? It's because of you and all the other bullies out there! Making other people's lives miserable doesn't make yours any better.

They say that the ones who acts the strongest, are actually the most insecure.

Think about that before you call someone else anorexic, fat, slut, bitch, whore, or any other words that shouldn't even exist.

Because the truth is, you're just insecure. You're trying to make yourself feel better by calling someone names that could only be used on yourself.

They take it seriously and think that they're actually the names that you call them.


She's been called fat, because she might have been a few pounds overweight. She could've gone to the gym to just work off the extra baby fat, but instead she believes of what you said - that she's worthless, there's no point in working out because no one cares about how she looks like. To take away the pain, she self harms. The pain that needles and butter knives caused makes her feel good, how sick is that? Because of that, now you call her an emo freak. But the truth is, she only is like that because of what you said.

One day, she accidentally cut too deep, and passes away. At first you thought, 'oh yay the fat bitch is finally gone!', but days later, the guilt finally sinks in. You couldn't believe of what you did and will live feeling guilty for the rest of your life.

You might think, she could've just pushed away or said something back to you the first time you called her fat, and maybe she did. But you were consistent. You tell her she's fat every single fucking time you see her. Even if you stop then, the idea was already drilled deep inside her head.


He's been called an anorexic freak, sometimes even worse. It's not his fault that his metabolism is high, no matter how much food he eats, he can never gain weight. Of course, because of that, he is already more than insecure about his body image, and from the first time that you called him an anorexic freak, he cracked.

He thought that if he was already an anorexic freak, it didn't matter if he ate or not, because he would always be the boy who was too skinny in gym class. Food just didn't appeal to him anymore, and the more you pushed him into lockers, hit him with dodge balls in gym class, and spat on the ground that he walked on, he just couldn't take it anymore.

He thought that no one cared about him and that everyone hated him and wanted him gone. While the truth was that his friends and family were worried sick about him, they tried to help him by taking him to a psychologist, trying to get him to talk about it. But that just made him feel like a weakling.

If you haven't started calling him names, he wouldn't have felt weak, he would've have been the next Albert Einstein because he had the highest grades in class, he wouldn't have jumped off the bridge two months later because he thought everyone wanted him out of their lives.

I'm sorry but I just really needed to get that out of my system. I absolutely hate people who thinks they're the best and that everyone else are just the gums that gets stuck under tables and chairs. Yeah, I know, that made no sense...but you get the idea.

I'm sick of hearing people on the news, who suicided because they were getting bullied. Just...stop.

Anyways, now onto the better stuff :D

School starts tomorrow! Nooooooooo... I'm going to miss waking up at noon just to watch cheesy movies until night just to fall asleep again )':

And exams are in two weeks... I was going to study during the break, but obviously, that didn't happen. Bleh, I'm going to fail. Oh well, at least I'll always have ice cream, chocolate, and boxes of pizza that I could stuff myself with :P


Okay, I guess this is enough for today :)

But for the people who are insecure of their body image, listen to Little Things and What Makes You Beautiful by 1D, it'll make you feel a million times five billion times better :) I know it worked with me :D

One day, you'll find a guy or a girl who'll love you just the way you are, and you're going to get married in Narnia and have thirteen kids who are going to look beautiful because of their parents ;)



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