One - Stereotypes (and randomness)

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I hate stereotypes so much.

A stereotypes, according to google, is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things. Basically saying that all Asians are smart, or all girls like pink and frilly things.

This shit gets to me.

I am a blonde, (which I hate), meaning I get classed as 'dumb' because of my hair colour. DO YOU FREAKING THINK I CAN CHOOSE MY GENETICS YOU DI-


Anyway, FYI, I'm in the top class in my grade and usually get A-B grades on my reports for everything except maths and sports. I think I can safely say that I am not dumb. And yeah, okay, blonde jokes are kind of funny but not when YOU'RE 1) A BLONDE, AND 2) EXTREMELY SENSITIVE.

I am also a hardcore tomboy who loves violent stories and video games and TV and YouTube and hates skirts and make up and dresses and pink. I know a lot of you awesome people are like that ^.^ and it makes me happy that I'm not the only one, but getting fricken SEXIST JOKES about women and kitchens and smarts is something I will NOT stand for. I am big on equality and rights (in case you hadn't realised) and this shit is not okay.

I know it's less common for women to be 'sent to kitchens' now, but some people are still sexist buttflaps and this is why I hate people.

Oh yeah, humans aren't the only things that get "stereotyped." *deep breath* To some people, animals like tigers are deemed vicious and horrible and should be killed. But to me and a lot of other people, tigers are just wild animals. I LOVE tigers, and I know that they are wild animals, which means they will attack anyone who gets in their way. It doesn't mean that they go out of their way to kill people (and yeah, some are rogues or whatever, but I'm talking about the majority here.) Just think about how you would feel if some pricks came into your house, started burning it down and ransacking it, taking your children away so you will never see them again and then you were just sitting there (probably almost dead) thinking "Well, shit." You just lived the life of the average tiger. Congrats!

Before I go off on a full on shit about tigers and animal abuse, what I'm trying to say here is that tigers are wild animals and they should be treated with caution, but also with respect. They are living things too, and there are only like 2500 of them left in the wild atm. (Please don't analyse what I just said too closely, I know what I'm trying to say here >.< )

*breathes out*

Back to humans...


And I'm setting myself a challenge to mention Dan and Phil at least one time in each chapter, so here we go: I was able to watch literally ten minutes of Dan's live stream before I was forced off to hell (aka school) and torn cruelly away from my sanctuary (aka computer). #firstworldproblems, right?

That was kinda random...

Anyway, if anyone actually reads this, you should tell me your opinions of this stuff in the comments!


Okay, that was strange. I told you it would be strange.

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