Two - Hate vs Constructive Criticism

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I think I'm very lucky, as a person, to have only received small amounts of hate.

But other people haven't. And I know that it doesn't matter how many times this is drilled into people's minds, but words hurt.

I love criticism. It allows me to improve on my writing substantially. However, saying "ew you suck" DOES NOT help.

My first fan fiction, Learn to Love Again, was about Stampy and Squid, who I used to ship. Key word: used. I used to ship them, and no longer do. Now they both have girlfriends and I kinda regret pairing them, even though I wouldn't change that book for the world. I'm still proud of it. It was the first book I ever wrote, and it got me, like, 100 followers. It still makes me happy to read the nice comments on it.

Then I get comments like "ew. they're not gay" or "eww" when they kiss. THIS DOES NOT HELP.

I'm sort of used to them now, and they don't effect me, but they're stupid comments. All they're doing is sitting there. I had so much support when I first put that book up, and now it's just like a minefield.

Maybe since Sqaishey and Stampy started dating, Stampy and Squid have just gone down the plug hole. But that's another story all together.

This got me wondering on this fine, Sunday morning where I went to sleep at 4am and woke up at 9: what is it that makes people hate books?

Are these people being homophobic? Or are they just disgusted at the idea of them being in a romantic relationship instead of a platonic one? Will we ever know?

So, there you have it. Constructive criticism vs hate.

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