
5.8K 141 3

Got this whole idea from precious bun author..

So basically I have like 5829033 new ideas. Like my drafts are full of new ideas for books and oneshots..

But of course, I'm like the laziest person I've ever seen.

I have new ideas but no motivation. Plus a broke college student. So decided to do this..

I'll drop the ideas I have in here. Like a small idea of the book. If anyone is interested in that plot and if you can afford it, you can commition it. It's just 1$. It's the minimum in that app.

There are 5 or 10 slots based on the word count.

So when all the slots are booked, I will upload that oneshot in Wattpad.

The link is in my bio.

If you are confused, DM me. I'll explain.

See ya..

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