Mafia Princess ✅

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♥️ This oneshot is already fully commissioned and uploaded! ♥️


5 years old..

Taehyung was 5 years old when he saw the first murder of his life..

Victim was his father.. and the killer was his saviour..

Yes.. the killer of his father was the saviour of his life..

Taehyung was born to a prostitute. His mother never hurt him but she never cared for him either. Till the age of 4 taehyung was raised in a brothel.

But a week a after taehyung's 4th birthday, his mother left him at his father's, who he saw for the first time that day. She abandoned taehyung with his father, proving him that he was never loved by his mother.

Taehyung's misery started from that day. His father was a druggie. He was an abusive freak. He beated taehyung on daily basis, treated him like a slave and let his friends rape him.

It was hell.

No.. hell was better..

They didn't rape 4 year olds in hell.. they didn't abuse children in hell..

For 1 year and 5 months, taehyung suffered like no human should ever..

It was another day of taehyung's being a slave to his father. He was standing on a chair and cooking dinner. The 5 year old was to short for the stove.

Taehyung heard loud clash. He screamed when he saw few men with guns and knives raid his house.

A man that oozed power.. sheer power stepped inside his house. Two bulky men dragged his father out of his room and threw him near the feat of that powerful man.

With the few words they shared and the way his father begged, taehyung realised that his father had tried to steal money from that man. He also realized that his father was going to die that night.

"Take the kid away." The man, who was most likely a Mafia leader, said to his men.

"A-are y-you going to k-kill him?" Taehyung asked when two bulky men held him by his hands.

The Mafia leader sighed before giving his attention to the little boy. He hated when he had to deal with kids. He didn't hurt kids but to keep his identity safe, he had to threaten them, even traumatize them.

He planned to do the same with Taehyung after dealing with his father.

"Look kid, I might look like a bad man to you, but your father brought this upon himself. But since you are really small, I'll give you one minute to talk with him for the last time." JungSuk, the mafia leader said to taehyung.

The little boy looked at his father who wa beaten to plump by the thugs. He was back facing Taehyung, so he took little steps towards his father and stood infront of him. JungSuk, the Mafia leader was standing next to him.

After staring at his father's bloody face for a few minutes, taehyung turned towards JungSuk.

"I wanna watch."

JungSuk was a powerful mafia leader, a trained killer. He was trained to hide his emotions behind his blank face and he was pretty good at it.

But that moment.. that moment he couldn't control his eyes bulging out or his jaw dropping.

Did he hear the kid properly?

"W-what?" It was Jungsuk's right hand man who asked that. All of the thugs were shocked at that moment.

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