DADDY cassano 🥂♨️

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YN :: Aaahh hmmm da-ddy sto-p...

Daddy :: Baby I didn't start yet baby and you are saying me to stop.

YN :: Da-ddy stop fi-nger-ing my puss-y is hurti- Aahhhh hmmm plea-se aahhhhhh da-ddy I'm Cumming aaaahhhh

Daddy :: Yes babygirl cum hard for seventh time ...

YN :: Aaahhhh hmmmmm fuckk daddyyyy ahhh yes...

Daddy :: baby girl cum hard 🤤

YN:: Dad-dyy aahh-hh it-s too much slow do-wn hmm-mm

Daddy :: Why baby you said my cock will be small but even can't take my fingers so sad...

He started moving his hand fastly and eating pussy out

YN :: Aaah-h f-uck dad-dy i.. Mm gonn- ahhh-hhhh

Daddy :: hmm baby u are so tasty ..

YN :: Daddy I'm so tired

Daddy :: Are you baby.. But who gonna sovle the huge problem that u cause hmm..

YN :: Daddy pl-z I'm tired

Daddy :: ok then I'm going to my wife's room


( YN grab The clothes cock and strock it)

Daddy:: yes baby ahhh hmm

( YN remove the cloth and lick the tip of the cock)

Daddy :: ah-mm don't tea-se me b-aby do it already

( yn keep teasing him ) .. He suddenly pull you and made you lay the bed under him

Daddy :: Are you disobeying be baby

YN :: No dad-dy

Daddy :: hmm really..? But naughty girls need punishment right... And i will make you obey your daddy... Ok

YN :: (nodded)

Daddy:: (pinch her nipple) words baby girl

YN :: ahh yes daddy

Daddy:: good girl ok on fours now

( Yn did what he said and he open the cupboard and come back with something on his hand) he spank YN butt hardly

yn :: aahhhh

Daddy :: no voice baby girl or your punishment will increase

He rub her butt and insert dildo in her asshole..

YN :: aahh-hmmmm da-ddyyy

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YN :: aahh-hmmmm da-ddyyy

He spank hard

Daddy :: keep quite baby girl

He then keep the dildo at high and started to rub his cock against her dripping pussy

Daddy :: Are you ready baby

YN :: Mmhh

He push his big hard cock inside her pussy

Daddy :: ahh baby y-ou are still tight ah fuck it's so go-od.. Scream baby ahh

YN :: Daddy ahhhhh it's so big ahhhhh my god hmmmm
Daddy slo-w done aahh f-uck ahhhh you a-re hi-ttin-g my g-spot ahhhhh fuck...

Daddy:: ohh fuc-k so g-ood scr-eam baby m-y li-ttle slut y-our pu-ssy tak_e my cock so good ahhh

YN :: I m ahhh I'm so cl-ose ahhh yaaaa hmmmmm

Daddy :: wait baby mee too ahhhhh cum together ahh

YN :: ahhh daddy.... Please ahhhh

Daddy:: now....


He remove the dildo from her ass and they to lay down while cuddling

Daddy:: love baby

YN :: Love you too my dear mafia cassano🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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