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Me & Rebecca were on the water "I see it." Happy said "Wow, Grambell Kingdom." "Looks nice." We said. We sopped the ship & walked out to land "This looks better than I expected." Happy said excited "I heard it had fallen into decay." Rebecca said "It seems like a chill place to me." I said eating the pocky Rebecca gave me "By the way, thanks." "Np, I know how much you love sweets."

We reached the enterence of Granbell Kingdom "It's like a fantasy world." "Yeah." "We're going to get so many views, Happy." "Aye!" Then we heard a trumpet, we got surprised by it "Hooray our 1st guest after 100 years." "Do people find this boring?" I said to myself as more people showed saying "GUEST" "WE HAVE A GUEST" "YAY." We're impressed "WOW!" We both said "Look at the bots!" Then a bot got in front of us "What do you dream about beings?" They asked "Heroes? Princesses? Well this kingdom can fulfill your dreams." "Really?" I asked with sparkles in my eyes "Yes!" The bot answered "WELCOME TO GRANBELL KINGDOM, KINGDOM OF DREAMS!" There confetti & fireworks "So cool." "So tell me your dreams." The bot asked us "Get a million suscribers on my channel like Y/N." "Eat all the sweets in the world." I said as Rebecca sweated drop "So can I film please?" "Channel?" They asked confused "Can you do the introducion again? I forget to film it. Do "Kingdom of dreams also can I join you.?" Rebecca asked as the bots sweatdropped "Rebecca your costume!" Happy said giving her the cat ears "Oh yeah." "Quite some guest, huh?" Rebecca put the cat ears on "So have any activities so I can do rad videos?" "Rad Videos?" They asked "Something with a punch." Me & Happy said "Then how about this, defeat monsters for prizes." "I can so make a rad video about it! Come on Happy & Y/N!"


We in the woods when a giant cat appeared & let out a 'MEOW' "IT'S HUGE." We said "But you gotta abmit it's so cute." Rebecca said "Yeah it is." "Guys..." then the cat fell "KITTY!" I shouted as we fell on the ground while Happy rolled. Then I saw "A Human.." They gave a death glare, I screamed "I'm so sorry I didn't mea-" "A human?" "Are you a human!" They got close to my face and I screeched, they stared at me intensely then started to touch me.

"Wow...." "Excuse Me." "Cool..." "Please stop." "Soft!" He said as touched my boobs, I screamed then saw Rebecca kick him "What's with this guy." "I don't know." I said as I stand up "It doesn't seem he's a guest." He wake up from the kick "I'm the only human here." Me & Rebecca until we realized he was under me looking up "Stop looking." I said as I closed my legs then I saw a bug next to him, he soon saw it too & screamed "A BUG!!!" He grabbed Rebecca's skirt then she kicked him "Where is it? Where it go?" "It's gone now." Happy said trying to calm down the guy then he looked at Happy "Ooh cat can I eat it?" He said as he held his head while Happy was shaking "No you can't!" Happy screamed grabbing Rebecca legs while she was blushing "You guys are human girls. Cat & Girls...." "Yeah so." Then gave us a scary-looking face. "Hey hey let's calm down." Rebecca said scared as she backed away until I did the same when Shiki raised his hand looking like he was about to us but Rebecca got in front of me but then we didn't hear a slap. We looked at his arm holding it out "Would you like to be friends?" Me & Rebecca were confused as he lifted up his head. "We can be frie-" Rebecca cut him off by punching him "HELL NO!" Me & Rebecca were walking away from the guy "God, what's with that guy, He was a creep." "After that punch, you seem like the scary one now." "Sorry I just never seen another human before." He said "Really, WAIT!" Then Rebecca saw Shiki & got scared. She grabbed my arm & dragged me with her. Then we saw him in a tree & Rebecca stopped at the tree. "My grandpa said to make lots of friends, He says that they're-" "WHY SHOULD WE CARE!" Rebecca shouted running away while I stayed & stared at him "Are you hungry?" I asked "Kind of, yeah." Then I brought out some food, and I made "Ok hang on." I said as I opened the box

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