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I watched as Shiki stared at the big B-CUBE until Rebecca clicked her necklace & the split into tinier cubes "Whoa! That big square exploded into tiny little squares." Shiki gasps when a video from Rebecca's channel shows up "You're watching Rebecca's & Happy's… AONEKO CHANNEL! Meow-wow!" As Rebecca & Happy said their catchphrase, Shiki looked between us & the B-CUBE. "Meow-wow?" Shiki said, which made Rebecca upset "DON'T MOCK US!" "I don't think he was mocking you, Rebecca." I spoke as the video kept playing "Today, we have a special guest. Everyone put your hands together for…

[V-CUBER NAME]!" 'Oh I remember this' I thought as I showed up on screen with sunglasses,beanie, & mask so I don't show my face "Hey [V-CUBER], Happy, Do you guys like spicy food?" "Yep, I love it!" "I'm neutral towards it, I like sweets better." Rebecca begins to explain B-cube to Shiki "This is called 'B-cube' & the cube I'm holding allows me to host, take videos or photos, and/or watch videos from others." As the video kept playing, Rebecca gave more details about it "Of course we're not the only ones who do this. There's lots of them, just like us." "And the more people watch our videos, the more we're paid!" Happy added as Shiki then stood up and was interested in B-cube now "Wow so cool!" Shiki got closer to the cube & begin to look down to see what's under me & Rebecca's skirts but Rebecca quickly changes the frame so he can't "If you're trying to see our underwear, there's a frame that makes sure you can't so don't even try." 'Gosh Shiki, you are so cute yet so perverted at the same time' I thought to myself as Shiki & Rebecca kept talking "So you guys make videos?" "It's more than that, we get to explore places we have never been!" Rebecca spoke as she kept clicking away at her necklace until a picture of Shiki & his robot friend. Rebecca quickly clicked off it & agolized then Shiki went to the window as we all looked at him in awe "Shiki?" Rebecca & Me said "I'm gonna to make 100 friends in the universe. No, I'll do a thousand or million all it takes." Then Shiki turned around to face us "At every planet & universe!" Me, Rebecca, & Happy supported him "If you're serious about this then let's get registered as an Adventurer on Blue Garden." Shiki gasps & turns fully around "An Adventurer?!" Shiki excitedly asked "Yep. Once you do, you can travel to different plants."  "And Bluegraden has like a thousand of people there so it shouldn't be hard." I added "Even I can? I can't wait to be an adventurer! Meow-wow." Shiki did the meow-wow again & Rebecca told him to stop but I thought it was adorable "Wait how do I get registered?" Shiki asked "Hang on, let me think. What about being a personal bodyguard for me?" Rebecca suggests 'With the way you fight, you don't need one' I thought to myself again "Why do you need one?" "Well sometimes when we're doing a video, it can get dangerous. A strong guy like you would be awesome at it." "And you can use that awesome anti-gravity Ether Gear!" Happy said, "Honestly I would feel safer if you were there." "I'm in!" "It's settled!" Shiki & Rebecca high fived each other 'Gosh, why are they both so cute!' I thought as I blushed at them then there were tiny footsteps 'Oh they're awake!' I thought as I saw my little buddies running out of my room "WHAT THE HECK?!" Shiki shouted as they all ran to me & jumped on me "Oh right, buddies meet Shiki. Our new crewmate!" I said to them & they started to jump on him "They do that to say hello. They did that with Rebecca & Happy too." I explained as they all hugged him tight "SO COOL!" Shiki said with sparkles in his eyes "We're here!, BLUE GARDEN!" Happy announced as looked out the window

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