chapter 3

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Sam's pov

eventually it was time to sleep we went to a separate rooms showered had our dinner with the rest of the group.
Elton and Aaron just got back from a trip to visit there parents. Yn seemed to get along well with them. After eating ad chatting we went back to our rooms and went to sleep. Tomorrow I'll try again tell her how I really felt about her. I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep

<the next day>

Today the gang and I will be going to Baltimore Hotel to explore it will be going with yn I was kind of happy when I heard that she was coming so we packed our things and we waited for yn to wake up when she did we picked all things and left. She asked to borrow my hoodie since She does have hers  so I gave her one of my black ones when I noticed her rose tattoo was showing on her neck that's the first time I saw it. was it new? probably is. moving on it was time for me to say the intro when we are almost there "what's up guys it's Sam and Colby" I said as I started the camera "today we have Jake Corey and y n joining us on this crazy adventure to Baltimore Hotel make sure to check our channels in the in the description box below" I said as I was pointing to what was supposed to be the description box I told the story about the building hotel and how we're going to try searching for the ballrooms in the hotel I must say I hope you do find something inside the hotel either way we are close to the hotel and we decided to start the camera again

<btw I'm horrible at describing scenes that involves the paranormal im used to reading or watching sorry😔>

Moving on😃

Yn's pov

Even if you never heard of the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, you might recognize it. This legendary hotel made appearances in films and television shows like ChinatownEntourageFight Club and Columbo. Built in the 1920s and opened in 1923, the hotel is a cultural landmark in Los Angeles and one of the city’s most haunted places as well.
One of the more common stories involves a ghostly troop of soldiers passing through the lobby. It isn’t surprising that some guests see the men walking through the hotel or hanging out in the lobby. The hotel served as a temporary boarding house for sailors arriving in Los Angeles prior to entering World War II. Guests may also catch a glimpse of the Black Dahlia herself. Elizabeth Short, the infamous unsolved murder victim, allegedly visited the hotel just before her death.
The second and ninth floors are among the most haunted. Guests staying on the ninth floor sometimes hear the sounds of a little girl giggling and her footsteps racing down the hallway. Others even spotted her watching them from the corner of their eyes, but when they turned, the little girl was gone. Those staying on the second floor may also encounter the spirit of a former nurse.

Guests of the hotel also claimed that they saw a woman in black in the lobby, and workers recall hearing the sounds of a party taking place on the first floor. At least one person encountered a ghostly little boy as well. No one who visits the Millennium Biltmore Hotel knows what they might see or experience.
In 1947, Elizabeth Short was last seen alive at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. Short went missing on January 9th and was found on the 15th of January, 1947. Her tortured and naked body was sheared in half at her midsection and left in Leimert Park, Los Angeles. Her body was found completely drained of blood and posed intricately, which sounds like something out of an episode of Dexter. Elizabeth Short was nicknamed “The Black Dahlia” by the media who made every effort to sensationalize the story beyond its already morbid details. Short’s murder is still one of the oldest unsolved mysteries in Los Angeles.
The 2nd and 9th floors are rumored to have the most paranormal activity in the hotel.
The lobby is said to have some ghostly activity.
The first floor has had reports of noises from a ghoulish party with no one around. I thought as we walked around

<after the whole chaotic experience. In the car>

"Remind me to never come here again" I said looking at my brother. The boys laughed and Sam did the outro.


Yn ended up falling asleep . when we got home I brought her to her bed. i tried to leave but she didn't let me. And that's how I ended up sleeping with my crush. Such a crazy day i thought as i finally went to sleep

Yns pov

I woke up to feel some one hugging me. I turn my head to see Sam. He looks so adorable when he sleeps I thought as i stroked his hair. Did he realy stay with me all night? I asked my self looking at the prettiest and kindest human ive meet out side of my family. I went back to sleep since i didn't want to leave the bed. When the hell would you get an opportunity to share a bed with your crush. I thought as i went back to sleep hugging Sam. I never thought I'd go to sleep quiet easily but I did. Probably Sam's doing I thought as my eyes finally gave up on me.

Colby's pov

"Oi y- huh?" I said entering the room. I saw Sam and yn sleeping peacefully. I ran down stairs and called the boys up there it was our ship finally getting ready to sail. The boys cheered quietly in excitement and took a few photos.

<when Sam wakes up>

Sam's pov

I woke up to feel like yn hugging me really tight as if she don't want to let go anytime soon so I decided to stay in bed and use my phone until she woke up 5 minutes later she eventually decided to wake up and apologize for hugging me. I kind of liked it but I didn't tell her that I don't seem kind of weird but today's the day I finally tell her how I actually feel about her and now all is there to left is to find out if Colby will agreed
For me dating his sister and on top of that how I'm going to do it.



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