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(Y/N) POV:


Logan: Hey (Y/N) can I come in?

(Y/N): No

Logan: Hey dude I just wanna talk, brother to brother

(Y/N): Fuck off Logan, I'm pissed off enough as it is

I listened as Logan sighed and walked back downstairs, I looked at my bruised knuckles, I got into a fight at school, I wasn't letting that slimy fuck Bryce run his mouth about Mom, especially after what happened, suddenly I heard heavy footsteps coming upstairs, I sighed as I prepared myself for the scolding of my life. The door surprisingly opened calmly and in walked dad who had that "why did you do this" look on his face

Elias: Your lucky the school isn't expelling you

(Y/N): Heh, maybe I'm just unlucky then

Elias: (Y/N), you put Bryce in the ICU, he's got a collapsed lung

I stayed silent as I looked at my bruised knuckles, I rembered Bryce squeeling like the rich piece of shit he is, I smirked as I felt a wave of accomplishment come wash over me, it was almost like a huge burdden had been taken off my shoulders, however dad wasn't impressed



I snapped at him, he was unfased of course but his expression had lightened up a bit, he sighed and shook his head as he turned around only to see Logan and David had been standing there watching the entire time

Elias: Boys, go to your rooms

They both nodded and walked back to their rooms, dad turned back to look at me and just shook his head before walking out while closing the door

(Y/N) POV:

Prosicutor: (Y/N) Walker, did your superior officer, Al Simmons, order you to engage and execute U.S. Army Personal that were attempting to evacuate the population of Dubai?

(Y/N): Yes ma'am he did

There was a loud gasp followed by disscusion of disbelief and confusion as to how someone could even turn on his own brothers in arms, let alone ones that were just trying to help evacuate civilians


The courtroom went quiet again as the prosicutor leaned up against the podium staring daggers into me

Prosicutor: And Mr.Walker did or did you not follow these orders?

I looked over at the sarge, he had a look of "Dont worry about it" on his face, but I felt a hint of dissapontment when I saw Logan in the corner of my eye, I looked back up at the front, Directly in the prosicutors eyes and said my answer

(Y/N): Yes ma'am I did, and if he told me to do it again then I would

The courtroom errupted into chaos as some people defended my actions where as othere called me a cold blooded killer, to be completly honest I'm not sure which was worse


The courtroom became quiet again and the prosicutor proceded to continue

Prosicutor: And why did you follow these orders Mr.Walker?

(Y/N): Because ma'am, its what solders do, even if the reason is FUBAR....

(Y/N) pov:

I took another dring from the chrona I had as I watched a baseball game on one of the bar TV's, honestly it was going pretty good, teams were tied and it was in overtime, suddenly I saw a man walk in, normaly I wouldnt care but he immidetly went up to one of the waitresses which wasnt normal in a bar like this

???: Excuse me miss i'm looking for a (Y/N) Walker, would he happen to be here

I slid my hand down to my conceal carry pistol as the waitress pointed to me, he smiled and started to walk over to me, I clicked off the safety, he immedetly noticed but still walked over to me

???: You can keep that iron cold kiddo, i'm only here to talk

(Y/N): If its on behalf of Elias then the answer is no

Graves: Ok, we got off on the wrong foot here, my name is Philip Graves, and no, i'm not here on behalf of whoever Elias is, mind if I sit down?

(Y/N): Sure......

As graves sat down I took my hand of the pistol and went back to drinking my beverage, graves then pulled out a laptop carry case, from which he pulled some files out and opened them

Graves: Lets see.... Ah, Specialist (Y/N) Walker, U.S. Army Rangers, Honerably disscharged after a FUBAR incident in Dubai

(Y/N): *sigh* What do you want?

Graves: Straight to the point, I like it, I run a company that is willing to offers people like you a chance

(Y/N): People like me?

Graves: Veterans that the U.S. tosses asside once they have life altering changes or witness things that can change a man forever

(Y/N): And you said you run this company?

Graves: You willing to put that iron on safe?

(Y/N): Wait, ho-

Graves: I've seen alot of stuff kid, so I need to know your not just going to go crazy and blow my brains out

(Y/N): Alright, lets talk then....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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