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"I'm sorry, my love. I promise I'll come back. If I manage to survive..." The woman whispered to the sleeping one year old girl as she placed her in front of the orphanage.

The woman have ash blonde hair and red eyes. Her red eyes lost it's beautiful luster with only exhaustion and sadness in it.

She looked terrible as if she just went out of a battle. Her head is bleeding and her clothes are disheveled.

However, the baby girl in her arms was not affected. She is wrapped in thick white blanket sleeping peacefully.

The woman looked at the baby, as if she wants to remember her features vividly in her mind before kissing her in the forehead.

She transfigure a basket and placed the baby in her arms to it. She made sure that the baby is comfortable and warm before putting her in front of the door and ringing the bell. She also put a piece of paper containing the girl's name in it.

"Until we meet again, Star Sea." She whispered as tears started to drop in her eyes then apparated.

The baby opened her sea green eyes and cried as if she felt her loved one left her.

The guard in the orphanage was alarmed and opened the door, seeing the baby in front of the door, he immediately took her inside as if it was a common recurrence in the place.

The heavy doors of the orphanage closed sealing the fate of the ash blonde haired and green eyed girl.


The two year old girl is playing with a doll in her room when her name was called.

"Mariana!" The child's attention was immediately captured. She turned her head to the people in front of her door.

"That's her," The matron said to the man the girl didn't know. He was wearing a formal suit and glasses. The man looked at the child, analyzing her.

"Perfect, I'll sent someone to pick her up with the others," He said and they went away. The child tilted her head confused but she went back on playing.

After a while, Mariana was taken away from the orphanage and was sent to a place where she lived a hellish life.


The six year old girl swallowed the lump in her throat and tried her best to refrain from crying. Her hands are held out expose as the grown woman kept hitting her with a stick in the forearm. Bruises and marks looks terrible but her expression is stoic as if she's used to the punishment.

"Be thankful that you're still here. A defective product like you should have been disposed a long time ago if it weren't for you being the best fighter and your father's favorite." The woman went out of the room and the child followed her.

It wasn't her fault that she did not excel in academics. Reading a book is painful for her. The letters kept flying and rearranging themselves making it hard for her to read and slowed her learnings.


The seven year old girl kept listening to the interesting story of her first friend in the place about the outside world.

The joy did not last. The matron learned what they are doing and was enraged.

The girl had fight her friend to death, it's either she win alive or lose dead. Her friend is older than her and had an advantage.

However, she overturn the fight and cornered her friend but she hesitate. She didn't want to kill her, she was her first friend after all.

The audience saw her hesitation and kept urging her to end the battle by killing her opponent. Even her opponent was begging her to end her life so that she can live.

The head of the girl became dizzy of the sound and voices urging her to kill. She didn't want to. This is wrong, her senses kept telling her.

She was fed up to the voices and shouted at them to stop for the first time. The window glass shattered and everyone urging her are flung in the wall.

She did not have to kill her first friend there thankfully but she was sent to a place worse than she grew up.


The nine year old girl is tied in a chair with apparatus in her head. She is in the middle of a big dimly lit underground room with soldiers surrounding her.

At the side, there is a man with metal arm watching her with others. She witness how the device in her head mess with the man.

She felt like her brain is being stirred like noodles. She couldn't help but scream in pain. She restrain herself incase she did something magical like bursting pipes and throwing people back by an invisible force. Doing that will only make her situation worse and she learn the hard way.

She knew what this device is going to do with her but it's not effective. The machine stopped and she sat up in a daze. Her hair is sticking to her face due to sweat and she breathe heavily.

A soldier stood in front of her holding a black notebook with red hourglass in the middle. He started reading words to her as she listen and act blankly.

"заброшенный (abandoned),
танец (dance),
семнадцать (seventeen),
сумерки (twilight),
стены (walls),
пять (five),
нерешительность (hesitance),
алый (red),
нулевой (zero),
убежище (haven)."

"агент? (Agent)" The soldier said in a stern tone observing her expression carefully.

"готов выполнить (ready to comply)" She answer coldly with no expression.

The brainwashing was not effective, it only gave her head ache but she still have to act like it's successful. She wouldn't want to know what they will do to her if they learn that she is not under their control.

She was just looking for the right time and opportunity to escape and this mission might be the one that can help her get out of their clutches.


It is her first mission guided by her mentor, the winter soldier. They were in a forest, going to assassinate a mafia boss and get all of his huge storage of weapons. The leader unfortunately offended the hydra negotiator so they decided to take it by force.

It is her fist mission so she had to accomplish it perfectly but her focus is on the way out. She eyed everything and plan escape routes.

She succeeded... But the winter soldier noticed. She was cornered by him in a cliff, exhausted and full of injuries. Behind her is the sea and if she jump, she's gonna die of pressure because of the height.

"Bucky..." She said to distract him. The winter soldier froze as if the name triggered a memory he can't remember. While he was having a deja vu, the girl jumped off the cliff praying that her powers can protect her.

The moment she hit the water, she felt inexplicably relax. She sank and carried by waves as her consciousness slipped away.

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