No sense of direction

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It was embarrassing to admit you were lost. It was even worse that you forgot your phone back at the apartment. You awoke early in the morning, way earlier than Marc. This was unusual, but you weren't going to wake him up. He needed the sleep. Marc was your roommate. He had put up an ad for the position in his apartment not too long ago. He needed a roommate to take care of the place and his pet fish, Gus, while he worked. Apparently, his job was rigorous and very time-consuming. He just never had time to manage his home, and so he needed a little help. The shelter was just a bonus to the little work you had to do for him. Let's not mention the pay.

Sheesh, the guy is practically loaded. You always wondered what his job was, considering that he was gone for days at a time and tended to be a mysterious individual, but you never questioned him. Partially because it was none of your business, but also because you didn't want to potentially upset him and get kicked out of the apartment.
Before you moved in with Marc, you were moving from alleyway to alleyway trying to survive. You intended never to have to go back to that lifestyle. It was exhausting and very depressing. If all you needed to do to have a bed at night was keep your mouth shut, then so be it.

Back to your predicament, you were lost. As stated previously, you awoke early, and so you decided you wanted to go fetch breakfast for yourself and the man you lived with. It was a simple act, a kind gesture, and an everyday task that shouldn't be hard to accomplish, yet here you were. You borrowed Marcs keys and went on your merry way, obliviously forgetting your phone at the complex. You were positive you knew your way to the cat café you had seen nearby. You mocked yourself at that. You were parked on the side of the street as you debated on what to do. You wanted to call Marc (a familiar face) and tell him to come to get you. This was a silly thought, seeing as you had Marc's car. On the other end of that, you needed to get directions and either go home or go to the café and then go home.

It would be horrible if Marc woke up and you weren't there, better yet, you and his car weren't there. The only comforting thought is how enveloped with him you were at the moment. The interior of the vehicle strangely matched his personality, along with the obvious smell. You open the door, and you're smacked in the face with Marc's detergent. It wasn't a bad thing.

But it didn't fix the fact that you were stranded on the side of the road.




And scared. You were scared.

You were around a bunch of strangers in an unfamiliar environment, and on top of that, you couldn't even begin to comprehend Marc's reaction when you do manage to make it back. In the short amount of time that you had known him, the bond between you both had grown. In a strange way. You knew very little about him, yet you felt oddly comfortable with him. He had developed a strong protectiveness over you. Maybe it was because you were off the streets or because he just saw himself in you... somehow? In every possibility, the only conclusion you made was that he had feelings toward you. It was a hopeful hypothesis, seeing as your feelings for the man had grown past friendship.

It was 1 o'clock when you finally decided to grow a pair and ask for help. You left the comfort of the vehicle and wandered to the roadside. You hadn't traveled a block before you came across a stranger willing to help. He appeared disheveled and scrawny, though his persona was kind. He gladly offered his phone and allowed you to call your roommate. Your nerves kindled further as the phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Marc's voice echoed from the device.
"Hey Marc, it's Y/N." Your voice appeared more sheepish than you had wanted.
"Y/N?" Movement could be heard from the line like he was shuffling around on the couch.
"Where have you been? You were gone when I woke up, and your phone is still here?" He was concerned. It would have warmed your heart if guilt and embarrassment weren't so heavy on your shoulders.

"Right.. yeah, no, I just went out on a small errand run, and uhm.. I'm kind of lost.." You mumbled out nervously. There was a pause on the other end of the line. "And you have my car." You winced at the statement and bit your lip. "Mhm." Another long pause. "I'll be there in 5 minutes." He then hung up.

Your heart raced, and your palms began to sweat. He was so mad, wasn't he? He was going to kill you! Wait.. how would he even get here with no car? That doesn't matter right now. He will be here in less than 10 minutes, and he, no doubtably, is going to be furious. Kick you out of the apartment even. The thought caused bile to rise in your throat, and tears pricked in the corners of your eyes. You couldn't go back to living on the streets.. You can't do it again.

You were so freaked out that you didn't notice a cab pull up nearby, Marc further exiting the vehicle. He saw your flustered figure and immediately ran to your aid.

"Hey! Hey sweetheart, I'm here. There's no need to worry. You must have been so scared." He cooed as he pulled you into his chest. Your flustered mind couldn't detect the affection or concern in his voice. You were just too scared. Your hands tightly clutched the fabric of his shirt as you cried into his shoulder. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to surprise you with breakfast.. I didn't mean to steal your car and then get lost. I'm so stupid! I'm so sorry. Please don't kick me out onto the streets." Your pathetic voice rambled the plead to him, though muffled, he still heard the words.

Marc's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked down at the top of your head. He gently cupped your face in both hands and moved back so he could slightly lean down to look into your beautiful eyes. "I would never kick you out, and I am sure as hell not mad at you for trying to do something so sweet for me. I don't blame you one bit, baby, it's okay." He soothed you. Despite his coddling and babying that you would normally despise from people, you looked at him with big sad eyes. "Really?" You sniffled as you spoke. Your words were slightly muffled thanks to your puckered lips due to Marc's hands cupping your face.

"Really. I could never do that to you, I would never want to." He reassured gently. You spent a few seconds studying his face before bursting out into tears once again. Though happy tears, Marc still felt his heart lurch in his chest when you clung onto his already soaked shirt. "Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Marc!" You chanted between cries of happiness. Marc softly smiled down at you and pulled you closer. He glanced into his reflection in the cab door before finally taking in your surroundings. It wasn't necessarily a bad part of town, but he didn't feel comfortable having you so vulnerable in the open for everyone to witness. He gently guided you to back to his car where he sat you in the driver's seat, legs hanging out as you rested your elbows on your knees to wipe your tears into your palms. Marc kneeled in front of you and gently tested his hands on your forearms.

Your attention snapped to his brown eyes, and he smiled. "There's my pretty girl." He whispers. Your heart jumped into your throat as he spoke, and maybe some heat flowed straight to your cheeks. You looked down at your hands as you sniffed and wiped your remaining tears. Marc chuckled and raised your face to look at his. "Are you alright?" He asks. You take a deep breath and smile. "I feel a lot better now.. Thank you." You shyly said. Marc playfully rolled his eyes. "Come on, angel." He says suddenly as he stands with your hands in his. "We are going to go home." He caused your heart to swell once again, and you took shaky breaths to get rid of these childish feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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