best trio oat 👅dec 😰
are we gonna ignore the fact
that you both went on a
date orrr?masey 🤓
whaaamads 🫂
i honestly have no idea what
you're talking about declandec 😰
oh shush i need answersdec 😰
also why wasn't i told first?!mads 🫂
i don't knowmads 🫂
mase said not to tell youdec 😰
you see mads this is why
you're my favouritedec 😰
mason you're a SNAKE 🐍masey 🤓
alright dec calm downdec 😰
no. anyway who asked who
and how did it happenmads 🫂
he asked me!!dec 😰
AHHHmasey 🤓
i asked her during breakfastmads 🫂
he was so nervous it was
hilarious 😭😭masey 🤓
shhhhdec 😰
nooo we're taking it slow we
don't wanna rush into anythingmasey 🤓
this is why you can't tell anyonedec 😰
promise i won't 🤞🤞*mads 🫂 has changed masey 🤓
to mase🤍*