best trio oat 👅mads 🫂
when is the first game?dec 😰
huh?mads 🫂
the first euro gamemase🤍
weve got friendlies on the
2nd and 6thmase🤍
then euro games on the 13th,
18th, 22nd then if we get any
further it dependsdec 😰
were gonna win 🦶mads 🫂
probably not dec but okaymads 🫂
anyways i hate southgatedec 😰
why? whats he done to youmads 🫂
take my boyfriend off memase🤍
im still all yours angeldec 😰
ew 🤮🤮mads 🫂
thats not what i meanmads 🫂
i can't see you two for ages because
of the stupid rulemads 🫂
like i just wanna see my man!dec 😰
facetime existsmads 🫂
it's not the same though
i miss you too madsmads 🫂
miss you more 😥mads 🫂
mase ft me