Quiet Melodies

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Erwin Smith X Reader

Summary: Dancing in the living room with your beloved husband.

WARNINGS: domestic married life fluff

Word Count: 532


You and Erwin owned an old record player, a gift your grandmother gave the two of you when you got married. She gave it to you hoping it would get more use, since she never got the chance to play it when her husband died soon after your mother was born. She hoped you and Erwin would use it for it's intended purpose.

It was one of the last things of hers you had, along with the simple ring on your finger. You treasured both items and held them close to your heart, especially since both objects were tangible evidence of your love for Commander Erwin Smith.

Unfortunately, your grandmother"s wish of the record player being used more was never fulfilled. With Erwin being gone more often than not for extended periods of time, you were left alone in a quiet house. Sure, you sometimes played a record and let the quiet melody drift throughout the house, but it's not what your grandmother wanted. She wanted for you and Erwin to dance together. She wanted for you and Erwin to clean the house to the soft instrumentals, maybe she even wanted you to use it during more intimate times.

But no, the record player stayed silent ninety-nine percent of the time, collecting dust on its shelf.

On the rare occasion that Erwin was home for more than one day, on the occasions that you had the time, the two of you used it for its intended purpose.

He would initiate it, wordlessly grabbing a record from its slip and putting it on the player. Then he'd turn around, and whether you were sitting or standing he would bow to you before holding put a hand and asking for a dance.

You happily took his hand every time, and it didn't long for the two of you to be smiling like idiots, so obviously in love.

You would sway to the beat, sometimes in silence, but more often talking about trivial matters.

Erwin never wanted to bring his work back home, he didn't like talking about the impending doom of the titans. He didn't want to worry you even more, so he very rarely talked about it when he was in your presence. He only spoke of it when new discoveries were found, when humanity took little footsteps in reclaiming what was once theirs.

You would always listen so intently, nodding along and asking the occasional question to let him know you were listening.

Sometimes the two of you entertain the thought of children, and you always have a thoughtful discussion.

But most of the time, quiet I love yous are exchanged, and even more promises are made. Sometimes the two of you promise to keep loving each other forever, to always be there for one another and be present in some way, shape or form.

Erwin Smith loves you with all his heart, and you love Erwin Smith with all of yours. And there has never been a moment in time where you felt prouder to be his wife—his chosen one, his life, a Smith—than when the two of you danced in your living room to quiet melodies.

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