armin helps you sleep

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Armin Arlert X Reader

TUMBLR REQUEST: arminsvoicecracks asked
hear me OUT
we have a nightmare and cant sleep and every noise startles us, so we text german!armin that we cant sleep and in not even 5 minutes later hes at our place helping us sleep (me last night fr)

Summary: When you're unable to go back to sleep after having a nightmare, you're surprised that Armin comes to help you

Warnings: fluff, you're unable to sleep, Armin is German, reader's race isn't specified but they know Spanish, I'm also fairly certain this is gender neutral? Not sure might have slipped a she or something somewhere lmk if I did, hints of insomnia if you look really really closely, this can be read as a part two to Google Translate, but it's not necessarily

Word Count: 1.4k


You jump in your sleep, waking abruptly to find yourself still laying in your bed. You look around for a moment, assuring yourself that nothing seems amiss before exhaling and closing your eyes again.

You're not entirely sure what you had dreamed about, but you knew it was enough to startle you. The dream disappeared almost as soon as you woke up, but it left behind a lingering feeling of somebody watching you...

The clock read 2:05 am. Too early for you to get up and start your day.

You tried falling back asleep, but you felt even more unsafe with your eyes closed. You wouldn't be able to see if anyone came up on you...

You jumped slightly at the wind pushing a branch against your window. You let out a breath of relief when you realized it was nothing, attempting to fall back asleep.

Not even a minute later you heard scratching, which continued on for a few moments before you heard footsteps scampering away. A squirrel.

You needed to calm down. You're getting in your own head and freaking yourself out. You can feel your heart hammering in your chest.

You decide to take a small walk around your apartment, getting out of bed and turning on the lights before pacing a few times. No more sounds were heard, and you had calmed down a bit so you decided to go back to sleep.

Upon getting comfortable, an airplane flew over your building, scaring the living daylights out of you. You let out an exasperated breath, laying on your back for a moment before grabbing your headphones.

You played an instrumental playlist you had, hoping it would calm you down and you could sleep again.

Except you kept pausing it every couple of seconds because you keep hearing noises.

You eventually decided to veto the music idea, putting your headphones back on your nightstand before checking the time.

2:57 am.

You had already been up for almost an hour worrying about nothing.

You grabbed the plastic bottle from your nightstand and drank, but that only woke you up more.

You definitely weren't getting to sleep anytime soon.

You mindlessly began scrolling through TikTok, continuously sending your boyfriend the links to watch when he wakes up.

What completely slipped your mind was that he was the world's lightest sleeper, and that your messages were the only ones that came through the do not disturb barrier he had on at all times.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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