ii - leo is not okay and then he is

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leo was going to talk to piper. was it two in the morning? yes. was she most definitely asleep? absolutely. was leo going to wait until later in the morning, and lose this sudden stroke of courage? hell no. he and sage had been together in bunker 9, like they were almost every night now, after leo had realized that she fell asleep sitting with him under the tree so often because she wasn't sleeping in the hermes cabin.

leo was working on a new special project, something he wasn't quite ready to share with anyone yet, even sage. she was sleeping on a cot in the corner, the best leo could do for her as a bed. when sage was awake, there was always a lingering tension on her face, like she could never tell if she was safe. it disappeared almost completely around leo, but he knew that the fear of being left behind and broken was still there. he knew that things like that didn't just go away. but when she was sleeping, it was like she wasn't connected to her real-world emotions, she was free. a faint smile played on her lips while she slept, and leo was happy that sage had some moment of sanctuary, even if she wasn't conscious.

whatever the case, seeing sage's serene face reminded leo of his personal promise to speak with piper about what happened with kaitlynn, and how he had been boycotting even being in the same room as her, or jason for that matter. now that the sting of his best friends not sticking up for sage had faded, he understood how rash that was. at this point, leo wasn't even looking for an apology from piper as much he was looking for one from himself.

so, that's how leo valdez ended up walking to the aphrodite cabin at two a.m. to confront his problems, with piper. he kept a look out for the patrol harpies, lest he risk being eaten, which would make it a lot harder to talk. leo peered through the window he recognized as the one closest to piper's bed, but there were gauzy pink curtains in the way. he decided to knock softly instead of the obvious answer of leaving and trying in the morning. he was about to give up when he heard a shuffling sound from inside the cabin, and the window was lifted.

"wha... leo? what's going on, are you okay?" piper blinked the sleep out of her eyes and studied leo's face.

all of his nervous energy caught up with him. "um. i need... to talk... to you... yeah."

piper arched an eyebrow at him. "sure. but we should go somewhere else, obviously. why don't i get dressed and we head to the docks?" she considered leo for another moment, and frowned slightly. "are you sure that you're okay, leo? you can tell me if something's bothering you, you know."

leo focused on the ground outside the window. "i'm good," he said quietly, uncharacteristically. before piper could respond, leo walked to around to the front of the cabin, where piper came out five minutes later. he wordlessly began to make his way towards the docks, piper trailing behind him.

he sat on the edge and stared at the moon's reflection on the lake surface. piper sat next to him, placing her hand on his shoulder lightly. "so, what was it you needed to talk about?" leo could hear the concern edging into her voice.

"i... wanted to say i'm sorry. for how i reacted to kaitlynn, and for taking it out on you. you didn't deserve it, and i should have apologized sooner, i just..." leo cut his sentence short. he hoped piper could somehow understand, know what he meant. she didn't.

"you just what? leo, please, i just want to know what's going on-"

"i was scared! i was scared that you wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore after what i did. i was scared that i would lose you, and jason, and after that, what do i have left? i guess i felt like leaving you was safer than losing you." leo took a shaky breath. don't cry. i swear to the gods, don't cry.

piper wrapped her arms around leo. "oh, leo, we're never going to leave you. i never knew you felt like that. i'm sorry, really."

crap. leo began crying, although sobbing was a more appropriate word. piper let him stay on her shoulder, and leo realized how ironic this was. this is what happened with him and sage, except now he's sage and piper is comforting him.

after his sobs had dwindled into the occasional sniffle, he pulled back and looked at piper. "thanks," he said softly. "do we have to tell jason about this?"

"i think it would be good for him to know. are you... scared of what will happen?"

he'll think you're crazy. what person shuts out someone else because they need them? you're lame excuses won't disguise you from him. leo's hands started to tremble, and piper noticed.

"hey, we don't have to tell him now. just someday, once you're ready."

leo didn't think he'd ever be ready, but piper didn't need to know that.

"so, are you heading back to hephaestus cabin?"

"actually, i came from bunker 9. i've been staying there with sage."

a smile creeped onto piper's face. "you know, you seem to be very... interested in sage." she smirked when leo flushed.

"i- i mean, she's pretty cool-"

"oh come on, you know what i mean! i think you like sage," piper said matter-of-factly. leo was about to come up with another retort, but she silenced him by raising her hand in his face. "seriously though, there's nothing wrong with liking someone! i'm happy for you."

leo snorted. "it's not like we're dating or anything. i just think that she's kinda cute, and sweet, and all that. it's really not a big deal."

"yeah, sure." piper rolled her eyes, though she was still smiling. she turned back out to the water, every single star bouncing off of the clear glass-like surface.

maybe piper was right. sage wasn't a problem at all. maybe leo wasn't either.


word count: 1,047


sorry for the chapter being late, the only time i had to write were really late at night. it's also why it's so short, i figured i might as well just get something out at the very least.

anyway, this chapter is dedicated to TheRedSourPatchKid and her book I Can't Count The Reasons. I've loved reading it so far, and her writing style is absolutely fantastic. me and autumn highly recommend it for any fans of Heroes of Olympus or the Community sitcom it's based on.

again, this chapter's dedication and story rec go to
TheRedSourPatchKid snd her book I Can't Count The Reasons.

yours in demigodishness,
jessica stone (and autumn madison)

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