18: I Wish I Was Here Sooner...

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Paintbrush pov:

I jolt up...it looks like a fell onto a...bed.? I look around...it looks familiar...suddenly, it clicks...I'm back in Testtube's lab! The Real Testtube's lab! I quickly stand up and start running out of the room...I sprint out of Testtube's lab pretty fast...I finally make it out and start running towards the hotel...but before I make it, I bump into someone...Fan...

"P-Paintbrush..?" Fan says, his face looks tear stained...he quickly clings onto me..."oh, uh, hey Fan! What's wrong..? Are you alright..?" I ask. "Paintbrush you were dead...a-and now your back!? I have to post this on my blog...but that's not why I'm crying...something happened..." he replies. "What happened? Just tell me on the way, I'm going to fine Lightbulb.." I state, starting to walk off before Fan stops me. "W-wait, you can't do that!" Fan says in panic. "Why not!? She's probably devastated and I need to tell her I'm alright...buzz off, Flat Face..." I say, quickly pulling away and running off towards the hotel, Fan chasing after me.

I make it to the hotel, quickly running inside...I'm stared at by many people, but once they see me running up the stairs, they try to stop me...but I keep running...

I make it to Lightbulb's room, quickly slamming open the door..."LIGHT- L-lighty..?" I say in shock...she isn't there...but the window is open...I quickly run over to the window, looking down at the ground from it...there's shattered glass on the ground outside of the hotel...

"No...no, no, no, no, NO!" I exclaim, tears starting to form in my eyes...

"She's gone..."

Hello! So, I decided to turn this into a 2 part book! No happy ending yet! This is Anxious: book 1. And now onto book 2! The story isn't over yet, so stay tuned to find out what happens next! Bye for now!

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