𝟎𝟑𝟗, worst dad ever!

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The next morning, they set off on another day of walking, with no clear destination in mind. estella walked alongside glenn and maggie, feeling more tired than ever. her jeans were still chafing her thighs, making each step more uncomfortable than the last.

she knew that she needed to find a new pair of trousers soon, or risk developing a painful rash. despite her discomfort, she tried to keep up with the group, hoping that they would find someplace to rest soon.

on the bright side, one of estella's teeth had fallen out when she woke up. as she turned around, the tooth unexpectedly fell out of her mouth, surprising her. she was kind of angry about one tooth falling out before the other, though. with one tooth missing at the front, she felt like she looked ridiculous. daryl couldn't help but find the situation amusing, finding humor in estella's predicament.

"keep close." rick said to everyone in a loud-ish whisper.

"you ready to get some concrete under ya feet?" abraham asked him.

"i think it's time." he replied.

"oh, that is sweet music to my ears, officer. take the next road we come to, try to get back to going north before we find a vehicle. good?" abraham asked.

"good." rick replied.

"what do you need a vehicle for?" estella asked abraham, curiously.

"well, young one, we need to get eugene to washington. It's important," abraham responded.

"why, does he have family up there or something?" she asked.

he shook his head. "no, no. eugene is a sacred and protected person. he was a scientist before the turn. he has a cure to all of this. if we get eugene to washington, we have a shot at normal life all over again."

estella's eyes widened as she took in the gravity of the situation. she looked over at eugene, who had been silent until now. "you have a cure for this?" she asked him.

"that would be factually correct, estella, yes," Eugene replied.

"do you always talk like that?" she asked him, quirking a brow.

"like what?" eugene questioned.

"i don't know, like you're battery-powered or something," estella said, making abraham chuckle softly.

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