Babysitting has been something I have loved to do. I couldn't get many jobs because I was not licensed as a professional babysitter, so one day my friend and I took a babysitting course so we could become babysitters. I walked in got my name tag, sat down with Addi, and just talked. I started to look around and I locked eyes with someone, his name tag read 'Cooper' . Another one of my friends, Kaiah, happened to be at the course as well, she liked him to. I was always to scared to go up and talk to him because, I was a shy person.
Kaiah asked me to give him her number, snapchat, and kik, so I did it was the only way I could find out more about him. I wanted him and I to get to know each other so therefore, I have him my snapchat and number. He smiled at me and told me his name was Cayleb.
I sat next to him the rest of the time, and he was really nice, sweet, kind, and funny, he made me laugh. Kaiah didn't like the fact that him and I were talking so she tried to get his attention, but he was forced on one person only, me.
September 23rd, 2013.