Sick Twisted "Art"

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(U) prospective

"(U)" Tserriednich calls to me from his couch as iv stood guard by the door "yes sire?" I respond voice cold and disinterested Tserriednich sighs running his hand threw his hair in frustration as he turns on the couch to face me arms crossed over the back board of the sofa as he gazes at me and I refuse to make eye contact as part of my protest "dear I'v accepted that you don't have the same appreciation for art as I do but try to understand would you?" Tserriednich says in exasperation but I only face away from him he rolls his eyes at me as he slides off the sofa walking over to me and he towers over me his stature much bulkier than mine iv always felt that's it's silly for this man to have need for body guards when he's practically the size of one himself I huff in disapproval crossing my arms as I turn from him "I don't remember you always being this spoiled" Tserriednich laughs trying to lighten the moon but I have to stay strong if I want him to realize how much I disapprove of his "art" "well thats to be blamed on you for pampering me so much" I remark sarcastically even though iv adamantly denied most of Tserriednich's pampering but Tserriednich doesn't seem to find my statement as ironic as I do as he sighs exasperated shaking his head "Mark will be arriving in minutes stay or leave if you like" Tserriednich tells me seemingly giving up on having conversation with me I feel compelled to stay with him but I find his art revolting and it makes me feely disgustingly envious so I step outside telling Tserriednich "I'll keep watch in the hall" as I open the door but I'm met with mark following behind him two young beautiful women all giggles and smiles as they gawk when they meet my eyes though there expressions morph into distaste like there looking in the mirror on a bad hair day I only drop my  gaze to the floor and hurry out of the room

Tserriednich prospective

I see as (u) looks to the two women Mark has brought she takes one look at them then leaves the room hair falling into her face as she's shut the door behind herself "welcome don't be shy" I smile politely in greeting as the two girls look around in amazement shamelessly ogling at the lavish furnishings compared to there surroundings even as there dressed in designer clothing there dirt poor in comparison yet I keep on a friendly face "I want to hear from all sorts of people so I don't lose touch" I tell the two girls as there eyes sparkle the gold trim reflected back in there greedy eyes "you live here by yourself?" The more childlike looking one despite all the make up she's used to cover it up asks me in a giggly tone so I laugh in response "ah ha ha I invite people so I don't get lonely" I tell her "care for a drink?" I offer gesturing to the inner room and the two girls both blindly follow my gesture "Keep her company for me will you?" I whisper to Mark who'd lingered in the corner and he nods with out a word leaving the room

(U) prospective

After a few minutes the doors open and I turn hoping it's Tserriednich but I sigh in disappointment seeing it's only Mark "gee thanks and here I thought I'd be nice and chat with you" he says sarcastically and I roll my eyes "did you pick those girls up from the club? They look like they charge pretty high prices by the hour" i remark with a click of my tongue Mark only shakes his head as he leans against the wall "You always assume the worst don't you?" He asks looking to me as he draws out a breath like he's taking a smoke "Oh like your a little optimistic bundle a joy huh?" I laugh humorlessly turning into a sigh as I turn my gaze to the floor running my hand threw my hair "you know the prince only has eyes for you don't cha?" Mark questions and I don't respond to his nonsense instead I cross my arms based off his expression he can tell I don't believe a word he's saying "Sure he uses those chicks for his art but if you truly love something you treat it like a flower instead of plucking it you'll water it and watch it grow" Mark tells me and I eye him curiously "how many years has he watered you now?" He asks with a grin I laugh under my breath rolling my eyes before we both stand in the hall in a nice silence and I try recalling just how long iv been with the prince now

Time skip
Tserriednich prospective

"Mark my man those women..." I sigh into the speaker on my phone as iv slipped into my bath "all they cared about was fashion and fucking" i exclaim and in the corner of my peripheral vision i see (u) flinch as I listen what Mark has to say "They've never hurd of anything as least ask beforehand if they know the capital of kakin the ruling party or the name of the king that's the bare minimum for a human being" I explain to Mark over the phone though he doesn't have much to say in response so I go on to tell him "What I seek is art produced by youth with a future put in an extreme situation a synthesis of the arts" I say running my hand down my neck "Two more females please chop chop" i chirp before hanging up and once I have I hear the door to the bathroom close I let out a sigh calling after her "(u) come back won't you?" I complain but the door doesn't budge I groan standing getting out of the bath throwing on a robe exiting my bathroom to find (u) sat on the couch sulking

(U) prospective

"Love" Tserriednich sighs into my hair as he stands behind the sofa iv sat on wrapping his arms around me and I give in leaning back into his embrace "your such a tease" I mumble scowling and Tserriednich chuckles pressing a kiss to the top of my head alleviating the tension between my eye brows as he comes around the sofa to sit beside me his fluffy robe sitting on his figure "you'v still got blood on your chin" I sigh maneuvering to where I'm sat on Tserriednich straddling his lap and I bring my hand to his face smearing the bit of blood off and he smiles a sly smile at me hooking his hands around my thighs drawing me closer to him "is this what you did with those girls?" I ask tiredly Tserriednich only sighs placing a kiss to my forehead "not an ounce of trust in you" he laughs under his breath placing another kiss to my cheek as he moves his hands to my back drawing his fingers down my spine And I nuzzle into his robe hugging my arms around his waist breathing in as I relax against him letting myself rest my eyes 'it's always been this way our relationship we'll get mad at each other make up and then make out i cycle I can never seem to break'

Tserriednich prospective

"Tserriednich..." (u) calls her voice bearly more than a whisper "yes?" I answer leaning down to hear her better "you really didn't?" (u) asks and I smile "I didn't" I respond and (u) hums tiredly in response I wait a few minutes longer holding her against myself as she dozes off before I reach for my phone dialing mark I turn the volume down as the phone rings and it's only a few moments later that he picks up and the sound of club music and parting fills my ears "I don't need you to bring anyone els tonight Mark" I explain glancing down at (u) fast asleep as she's snuggled into my lap and I smile "I'm busy"

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