Foreign Language

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A/N: this chapter will contain a few words in French. I am not fluent in French and am simply using google translate. So, I apologize in advance for anything that doesn't translate right because as we all know google translate can not be trusted. Anyone that is fluent in French, feel free to correct me so I can fix it. Thank you!

Y/N's POV:

Emily and I have been secretly dating for a month. I haven't even told JJ yet, although I'm sure she already suspects. I know I avoided it at the beginning but now... I didn't realize just how much I was missing her until I got her back. Her beautiful smile and raven hair. It was everything I needed.

I agreed to going slow and it was killing me. I wanted her, bad, but I knew it was for the best. I needed to heal, learn to trust again. And I have.

Sleeping was so much easier while thinking about her. I've had the best sleep of my life these past weeks. Even better when I'm with her.

Sadly my deep sleep was interrupted by my phone buzzing loudly.

I groan loudly into my pillow before grabbing it off my nightstand. I don't even check the caller id before answering.

"Hello." I answer too tired to even say my name.

"Hey, it's Emily. We have a case."

"Nooo." I whine.

I can hear Emily laugh lightly at me before continuing, "I know, I'm sorry."

I sigh. "Okay, I'll be there soon."

"Let me pick you up. I don't want you to drive while you're that tired."

"Sounds great, see you in a bit."

"Je t'aime."

"W..." I'm interrupted by her hanging up the call.

I didn't have a lot of time to process her words but I know it was in French. Sadly French is not a language that I understand, so I have no idea what she said.

But it was pretty freaking hot.

"Okay enough of that, I have to get ready. Cannot afford distractions." I say to myself while reluctantly rolling out of bed.

I'm definitely moving in slow motion, but I only fell asleep an hour ago. There goes my time to dream about Emily.

It had been about 30 minutes, so Emily should be here soon. I do some last minute checks to make sure I have everything in my go bag.

As I'm finishing up I hear a familiar knock on the door. We made up our own little secret knock to let each other know it was only us and not a murderer.

"Hey Y/N/N, ready to go?" Emily asks after I open the door.

"Yeah." I answer lowly, lacking the energy for more.

"Are you okay?" She quickly transitions from happy to concerned.

"Oh yeah, just very tired. I only got an hour."

She gives me a disappointed look.

"I know, I know, I should be going to sleep earlier. But, a good book waits for no woman."

She giggles lightly. "Come on, ma douce fille."

Wow, the French again. Suddenly the sleepiness left my body, and I now have a new reason to want to go back to my bedroom.

"Y/N?" Emily smirks bringing me out of my trance.


"You're blushing."

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