Chapter 17

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Liam is gripping onto the steering wheel hard, he can see his knuckles turning white. He is on his way to work but his anger from the events last week has yet to be unleashed. It appears that Zayn had all of a sudden disappeared and vanish into thin air.

Liam knows that Harry has something to do with his disappearance, his tried to get the boy to tell him Zayn's location but has failed leading Harry to suffer Liam's vicious abuse.

To say Liam has been brutal towards everyone and everything around him would be an understatement, it's like Zayn has unleashed a monster. All Liam can see is red.

Liam has never understood what Harry see's in Zayn. His an asshole to Harry. But Liam guess everyone has their weakness and Harry's happens to be Zayn.

Liam feels a wicked grin make its way across his face as a plan comes into mind. He pauses the music playing in the car and he dials the number to his office.

"Mr Payne" Andrea says

"Andrea" Liam begins "I need you to convince Harry to come down the office and insist that he brings Zayn"

"Is that all, Mr Payne?" Andrea asks

"That's all"

"Good day, sir"

Liam hangs up by pressing a button on the steering wheel. The music coming on again.

It's not long before Liam has made it to Payne Enterprise before he can make it to his office Andrea is stopping him.

"Zayn is in the meeting room with Harry" she says "Got them to both come here" Liam nods his head before turning back around and making his way to the meeting room.

Opening the door Liam enters the room, coming face to face with Zayn and Harry, who is beside him.

"Zayn" he says

Zayn doesn't seem phased by Liam, he grins sticking his hands into the pocket of his suit.

"Liam" Zayn said softly with a smile as he aimed his gun at Liam. Zayn had his gun aimed at Liam and as fast as he drew out his weapon, Liam retrieved his just as fast.

In an instant Harry was aiming at Liam.

"Quite the stand-off we have here"

"Put the gun down, Liam" Zayn threatened. Liam maintained his aim at Zayn, he looked from Zayn to Harry, his expression one of distaste.

"And then what? You kill me?" Liam said, his grip on the gun only getting tighter.

"I should kill you... I should fucking pull this trigger"

"You'll do no such thing" Liam says "Put your fucking gun away, you're not going to kill me" Liam places his gun down on the table taking a seat.

"Don't underestimate me Payne" Zayn said as he clenched his jaw, the grip around his gun was immense, turning his knuckles white. He was ready to pull the trigger.


"Don't you see me and

I think I'm falling

I'm falling for you

Don't you need me

I, I think I'm falling

I'm falling for you

And on this night

And in this life

I think I'm falling

I'm falling for you

Maybe you change your mind

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