Chapter 4 school

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Week later super is finally back to school but he overslept
Monday 7:39 am
Super: zzzzzz
Bandit: mate! Wake up you're going to be late for school
As bandit was shaking, super
Super: i'm awake
Bandit: come on mate let's go eat your breakfast fast but first brush your teeth quick
Super: OK
Super starts, brushing his teeth fast after he's done
Super heads too the kitchen
Super: this is my food right
Chili: yes, sweetheart
Super: super eats really fast
Bluey: why are you eating it so fast?
Super: because we're late
Bluey: more like your late
Bingo: yea
Super: sorry I'll overslept
After super was done his sisters and him all went to the car and bandit was driving
Bluey: so how does it feel to go to the big boy school?
Super: a little nervous
Bandit: mate I've been there before there's nothing to worry about
Super: you right
Bandit stops at bingo school bandit gets out of his car And help bingo walk to her school.
Just super and bluey in the car
Bluey: so are you going to talk to any girls?
Super: what no i'm not good enough
Bluey: why?
Super: I don't know I just don't feel like I'm good enough
Bluey: oh ok
Bandit enters the car
Bandit: all right next is Bluey school
They start driving to bluey School
Super: dad
Bandit: yeah
Super: what's the hardest class?
Bandit: me personally, it's math
Super: oh, Ok
They arrive to Bluey school
Bluey starts to run to her school
Bluey: bye dad and bye brother
Bandit and super starting to head to super school
Bandit: well mate, almost here but we're gonna be late
Super: I think I'll be fine.
Super finally arrives to his school.
Bandit: all right mate. I'll see you later.
Super: bye dad
Bandit starts driving off
Super: here we go middle school
Super enters the school and sees a bunch of kids and start heading to the principal
Office super enters the office
Super: hey sir are you the principal
Principal: yes, I am. What do you need?
Super: i'm just new here and I just want my schedule
Principal: OK what's your name?
Super: Super Webb
Principal: oh, so you the new fella from United States welcome to Australia
Super: thanks
Principal: OK here's your schedule get your class soon Class starts like in five minutes.
Super: OK thanks
Super start, heading to his first class
Until he bumped into a girl
Super: oh, I'm sorry
???: oh, it's OK. It was my fault.
Super: it's fine I'll just help you pick up the books
???: thanks
Super start helping
Super: there we go
???: thank you for helping me and by the way, what's your name?
Super: super
???: nice too meet you super my name is Crystal
Super: nice to meet you Crystal
Crystal is a white husky female
Crystal: well, I'm going to head to my class, but see you later
Super: yeah, see you later
Super starts blushing but he remembers he has too head to his class
Super finally makes it just in time
Super sit down at his seat
Teacher: all right class today we have a new student right here can you introduce yourself?
Super: yeah, my name is Super Webb
And am from America
Teacher: all right nice to hear that
But all right class everybody go to chapter 27 on your book
fast forward to the class ending
Super starts to head to his next class but before he does, a kid comes right behind him and ask him something
???: Hey new kid
Super: wait are you talking to me?
???: who else am I asking Casper the ghost dumb ass
Super: bro, I'm just trying to get to my next class
???: look I'm gonna tell you this once I run this school OK so don't mess with me
Super: bro, I could care less
???: you say you don't care, so you won't care when I beat you up
Super: bro, just stop or I'm just gonna tell the teacher
???: snitches get stitches
Super just walks away fast forward into lunch
Super just eating alone because he has no friends at the school until one kid comes in to his table
???: do you mind if I sit here?
Super: sure
Super start eating his food
???: bro, you actually like that food
Super: it's all right I'm just eating it because I'm hungry
???: I guess I usually bring my lunch
Super: i'll probably do that next time
???: hey what's your name?
Super: super
???: and my name is Julian
Julian is a golden retriever
Super: nice to meet you, Julian
Julian: it OK if you say no but do you want to be friends?
Super: sure man
Julian: nice I think I heard your you came from another country
Super: yeah, I came from the United States
Julian: cool, how is it like?
Super: I don't really remember, but I know it's just boring
Julian: oh ok
???: what are you two losers talking about?
Julian: shit it Oliver
In his mind Super: so that's the kid name
Super: bro, can you just leave us alone?
Oliver: leave yall alone hell naw what are you gonna do
Super: bro, seriously, just leave me alone
Oliver: I know who you are I heard about you your the kid that got adopted
Super: bro shut the fuck up
Oliver: imagine getting adopted guess your parents didn't love you hahaha
Super had so much anger buildup
Super throws the first fist and hits him on the shoulder and then Oliver fights back and get super on the floor
Oliver: that's right bitch
Oliver starts punching, but super hit back while they were still fighting a teacher stops the fight
Random teacher: you guys knock it off I am going to tell the principal about this
Oliver: whatever
Super was on the floor, so beat up
Julian: do are you OK?
Super: hell no
The teacher sent both of the students to the principal office The principal scolded the two kids, and called the parents
Chili comes in
Chili: sweetie, are you OK?
Super: yeah
Oliver: ooo your mom has to pick you up
Super: shut up you bitch
Principal: hey, no foul language in here super
Chili grab super hand and start heading to the car chili looks a little mad and worried
Chili: what did you do?
Super: nothing
Chili: what do you mean nothing?
Super: I said nothing mom what do you want me to say?! With an attitude
Chili: don't speak to me like that I am your mother
Super: whatever I just wanna go home
Chili: tell me or we're not gonna go home
Super: look, I got beat up by that kid in the principal office you happy now as super enters the car and closes the door
Chili enters the car starts driving home
It was a pretty awkward drive home
Chili and super gets home Nobody's there except chili she was at home.
Chili: were here sweetie
Super exit the car chili follows her son inside
Before super heads upstairs
Chili: Super Webb where do you think you're going?
Super: obviously upstairs
Chili: come back here I need to talk to you
Super: what now!
Chili: super you're grounded
Super: why am I grounded?
Chili: for being mean to your mother, and
Cursing in the principal office and I wanna take your phone
Super: you're not serious, right?
Chili looks at super with her death stare
Super: fine
Super starts, heading upstairs to his room and slams his door
Chili: what am I gonna do with this child?
Super: wow I'm really grounded wow, isn't this great? Can't fucking believe it. I don't have my phone at all. Can't do anything.
Couple hours later
Bandit and Bluey and bingo starts entering the house
Bluey: so dad, that's how coconut gets water
Bandit: yup
Wow bluey and bingo said
Chili: hi kids
Hi mum, Bluey and bingo said
Chili: can me and your father talk privately kids?
OK bluey and bingo said
They went to the play room
Bandit: what's wrong chili
Chili: super got in a fight in school
Bandit: oh, that's bad is he OK?
Chili: yeah, but he was very rude to me and cussed in the principal office, so I grounded him and took his phone
Bandit: I would probably done the same. I'm gonna go talk with him.
Chili: OK
As chili kissed bandit on the cheek
Bandit went upstairs and knocked on super door
Bandit: mate I heard what happened at school? Do you want to talk about it?
Super: sure
Bandit enters he's room
Bandit: mate what happened to you? Who beat you up?
Super: a kid name Oliver
Bandit: mate I'm sorry and I also heard you're being mean to your mother.
Super: I was just mad, but I'm sorry
Bandit: well, go say that's too your mother when we're done talking
Bandit: now explain what happened
Super explains everything
Bandit: wow mate i'm sorry that happened to you.
Super: it's fine
Bandit: no it's not fine. I'm gonna to go talk too that kid's dad.
Super: dad you don't need to
Bandit: oh, I do mate
After talking for a little bit, they were done super Heads downstairs to apologize to her mom.
Super: hey mom
Chili: yes, sweetie
Super: i'm sorry if I was mean too you, I was just mad after what happened
Chili: thank you sweetie for apologizing
Super started to hug chili, and cried
Chili: oh, it's OK sweetie i'm here
Super: I love you so much mom
Chili: I love you too sweetheart
As super hug he's mom
Super never really felt this love before because his old parents never really love him but these parents they love him so much
Chili: let me wipe those tears
Super: sorry, mom if I put a little bit of tears on your fur
Chili: it's OK sweetheart you can always cry on me if you're sad
Super: thanks, Mom, so am I not grounded now?
Chili: nope
Super: aw
Bluey walks in
Bluey: hi super what happened to you?
Super: oh, I just fell in school
Bluey: oh, OK do you want to play with me and bingo?
Super: not right now I'm a little hurt
Bluey: oh, OK
Bluey start heading back to the playroom
The next day
Bandit gets a call from the school notifying his son is suspended for one month
Bandit: super
Super: what dad
Bandit: son you're suspended for one month
Super: damn
Bandit: I guess that's how long you're grounded
Super: what?
Bandit: sorry I don't make the rules
Super: then who does
As he said that chili was right behind super
Chili: I do sweetheart
Super: wow
This chapter was a little crazy. That's why I kind of like it and sorry for the cussing doesn't mean I'm not gonna use it again, but I'm not gonna try to use as much. I only use it for like chapters like kind of like this. But yeah, I'll try not to use cussing words, but I hope you guys like this one.
And hopefully I fix all the grammar and errors
And also, I realized Chilli was wrong I spelled as Chili I was missing an extra L
So in the other chapters including this one if I misspelled it, I apologize, but moving forward it's going to be fixed i'm sorry if I'm making a lot of errors it's my first time writing stories for you guys so I have to get used to this stuff.

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