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After their original self merges back as soon as Duri and Solar meet with Halilintar back, Solar decides to take a moment for himself while Duri and Halilintar gather with others and tell them about their adventure with the tumbosaur.

Currently Solar seems to be in deep thought as he feels something unbelievable happen ever since he come out.

He's Duri's partner and his partner is Duri.

Solar seems weird about why Duri is his partner. Because for him, nothing is similar between the two of them.

While he's stronger, Duri seems weaker.

While he's smart, Duri seems like an idiot.

While he's the strategist, Duri is spontaneous.

There's not so much for the two of them to be a compatible partner.

Besides, when he was ‘Cahaya’ before, he knows ‘Daun’ need him as he his light. This also explains why Daun seems to be close to Cahaya than Duri is to his second tier now, Solar.

And now, when he's Solar, Solar does believe that the reason why there's a distance between them is that he's no longer suitable to be close to Duri. He's Solar now and it's not good to get close to Duri.

Also, the power is always stronger if their original self comes out and focuses only on one power in time, and from his experience, the split isn't good for them either.

Yet, his partner seems to like splitting and is always happy to get help from others which for Solar shouldn't happen. When will his partner become independent if he depends on others way too much?

But weirdly enough, splitting with Duri doesn't seem to affect their memories much. Splitting with Duri somehow...ease his mind. Or should he say everyone minds?

Solar has to admit that ever since he come out as Cahaya before, the thing doesn't go his way. Every time he ever tried, he always mess up. He's too proud to admit it aloud.

Yet, Duri always indirectly be there for him to tell no, being strong doesn't mean you can save everyone. He still has others to depend on.

"Oi!" Someone interrupts Solar from his daydream.

"Oh, Hali." He said.

"What do you want?" He asks after that.

"Stuck with Duri should've eased your mind. But why did you be in deep thought?" Halilintar ask.

"Ease? Hmm. I could tell that's true too. But I just.." Solar answers him but stops in the middle of a sentence.

"Just?" Halilintar question.

"Hmm. Don't you think how much different he and I are? I mean, why did he, my partner? Why not you? Or other?" Solar asks him back.

"Have you seen Blaze and Ais?" Halilintar asks him that instead.

"But you also could tell how much Blaze and Ais are each other strengths and weaknesses." Solar replies back.

"Exactly! That's how you and Duri too." Halilintar said.

"What?" Solar become speechless.

"Didn't you notice?" Halilintar asks a more complicated question making Solar eyebrow raise making Halilintar chuckle.

"He could stand with your cocky attitude. And even if you insult him and his power, he still hears you out till you're finished." Halilintar said.

"Like I didn't even hear him rhyme at night." Solar replies back.

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