Chapter 23: Rachel

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Leah's and Rachel's eyes locked, and Rachel felt her sister willing her to accept her fate with grace. Rachel wasn't sure she could—how could she bury her sister and still be Laban's obedient daughter? It felt impossible, like trying to drown herself in the great inland salt sea Jacob had told her about, where even a house would float.

 "Leah, you have dishonored your family,"their father began, crossing his arms over his chest. "But I have decided to pardon you."

 "You'll let her live?"Rachel was disbelieving.

 "Since the scandal of your affair has spread to many of our visiting merchant friends, no doubt your shame will spread to other communities. There are no men I could marry you off to now, since you have tarnished yourself."

 "I don't believe you,"Leah said, her voice shaking somewhere between fear and doubt.

 "You can marry this rogue."Laban motioned his head to Levi. "I will not ask for a bride-price, nor will I make him serve the seven years labor I asked of Jacob. You will marry, he will continue to grow the honey trade, and none of us will speak of this ever again."

 "But what about the camp's problems?"Rachel interjected. Leah looked confused.  "How will you obtain the means to get us through the summer without Leah's bride-price?"

 "The drought is ending,"Laban said, bringing his hands together in prayer. "This is just the beginning of the rains. The livestock will have better crop to feed on, and all will be well."

 Rachel was unsure what to think. Could he be trusted? There were stories that some merchants had stopped doing business with Laban because he had cheated them in small ways. How could Rachel expect, after everything he had done, that he would be honest with them?

 Jacob stepped forward. "What of Rachel and me? You gave me your word, Laban. She stays, and we marry tomorrow as planned."

 Laban clapped Jacob on the back. "You were honorable, Jacob. The arrangement with Rachel stands. The four of you can marry at sundown tonight, in two separate ceremonies."

 "Why?"Leah asked. "After everything we've done, why would you let it go?"

 "It would be a crime to waste the wedding feast we have already prepared for, wouldn't it?" Laban said, gesturing to the activities outside. But then Laban continued, and his next words were barely audible."You were right,"he said, hanging his head.  "I've made mistakes. Done things I regret. And you had a great burden, keeping it a secret. There is no excuse. But I would like to try and make it better, for all of us."

 "Thank you, Abī,"Rachel said, when Leah remained silent, a skeptical expression on her face. "We are so grateful."

 "Once the ceremonies are complete, we will gather in the main tent for a grand celebration,"Laban said, nodding to the two of them. "Let us drink to it!"

 He motioned to two slaves for some wine, which they brought and poured into goblets. The men stepped to the side to have a cup, and Leah approached Rachel. 

 "Do you trust this?"she asked, eyeing the men clapping one another on the back.  Laban looked jubilant, while Levi and Jacob appeared to trust him.

 Rachel took her hand. "This is his way of saying he's sorry, even though you'll never hear the words from him. Now that there are no secrets between us, perhaps we can make things right."

 "Maybe."Leah crossed her arms over her chest protectively.

 "If it is a trick,"Rachel continued, taking Leah's hands, "we'll be one step ahead of him. We see him for what he truly is now—I won't forget that, sister."

 "We should leave the women to their preparations,"Laban announced, clapping his hands together. "Levi, Jacob, I will have attendants waiting for you in Jacob's tent. Let us prepare."

 "You should go get ready," Leah said as Laban departed, turning back to Levi and grasping his hand. Rachel saw how their fingertips danced together in one last coupling before separating. 

 "Soon we will be man and wife,"Jacob whispered in Rachel's ear. His hand coiled possessively around her waist. She leaned back into his embrace and closed her eyes, imagining just for a moment that if she were to fall, his arms would catch her.


There's a wedding in the next chapter! 

Pre-order SIN AND HONEY's 2nd novella THE TOUCH OF BETRAYAL (a retelling of Samson and Delilah) now! 



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