a letter

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Franks POV:
I was reading my favorite novel at my front porch until I hear this Jolly Holly annoying voice coming toward my house, I look up to see that short twig walking toward my direction.

Wally's pov:
I walk up to Frank seeing that he isn't too happy to see my happy adorable face I mean who wouldnt like my face I'm perfect😁😁 well except for Frank.
" what do u want🤨" frank says to me in a annoyed tone.
"Oh nothing I just wanted to see one of my dearest friends! " I say as a slip a letter from Eddie into Franks mail box, since he was to shy to do it himself.

Franks POV: I role my eyes then lay them back onto the page of my book, minding my own business as Wally walked away to julies house.

The next dayyyyyyy😃😃😃
Franks POV: I wake up from my slumber and smack my alarm clock as it fell onto the ground because it rang and rang ANDDDD RANG telling me to wake up.
"UUUUUUGHGGGH" I groan as i put my slippers on leading my way into the bathroom to continue my daily SKIINNNN CARE ROUTINE 😁

Sometime later 🏃💨:
I walk out the door collecting the mail from the mail box, as I walk back scrolling through the letters I notice there was one from Eddie with a little butterfly drawn on top of the cover.
I open the letter instantly seeing from the corner of my eye a quote that made my heart flutter.

The letter: |

Franks POV : my face flushes red as I read the word love

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Franks POV : my face flushes red as I read the word love.

Wally's pov: I walk towards franks house realising he was blushing red like a tomato! I laugh as I jog towards his house as I look at his hand seeing he read the note.
"Oh! It looks like you read the note, ha.ha. you two are really meant for each other! " I say as I Pat Frank on the back
Franks pov: "Since when did you get here!" I say as I cover my flustered face.
" soo do u like him back or are u not fruity 🤨" Wally says.
"What do I say back???" I say as I panic. "Well you could send him a letter back??, don't worry your pretty little head I'll help you" Wally replies to my question,
Hm maybe it wouldn't hurt to send him one back. ♥️

one sheet of paper🦋✉️ (Frank X Eddie) -discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now