CHAPTER 2 Memories And Flashbacks

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Soooooooooo what happened? Nai asked immediately I finished eating. Oh shit! I totally forgot about the promise.

Oh that? It's nothing serious Nai, I said laughing an awkward slash nervous laugh and praying she just lets it go.

Seriously? Nai asked and I could have sworn I detected irritation in her tone. "I go to the restroom seconds before you got into the water and I come back to find you storming away half naked, barefooted and in tears and you're just gonna say it's nothing?

Sure as hell sounds like something to me. She said, emphasizing on the "something". I'm serious Naiddy it's nothing and I'm over it.

You don't see me crying now do you? I asked obviously trying to get her mind off it and low-key praying that she buys it.

But I guess it's not everyday the universe supports you because the next thing I heard was a chilling and menacing,

"Start talking Nerrisa and I mean Now", And boy did that scare me but no way I'm giving up that easily. Nerrisa? I said, still trying to avoid the topic.

Seriously? What happened to Princess or Nerry or Ner or even, "or even nothing" she said cutting me off".

Nice try at boycotting the question miss but it's not gonna work. Now answer my fuckin' question and STOP. TRYING. TO. AVOID. IT.

Knowing fully well I've lost, I sighed in defeat and muttered so low that it'll take a miracle for anyone to get what I said.

"ialmostdrowned". Not sure whether or not she heard me I repeated a little louder. I almost drowned. "Silence, total silence. Then suddenly, "What do you mean you almost drowned?" Nai asked .

What do you mean, what do you mean? I said I almost drowned, what's so hard for you to understand? I asked growing annoyed cus she just won't let me be and because the more I thought about it, the more childish the truth sounded.

Expecting a reply from Nai I was only met with silence and after a little while she said in a low voice "Princess, you know you can always talk to me right?",

Which was rather calm because I expected an angry, annoyed, irritated or anything but calm response from her.

"Nai it's childish and you would probably laugh it off and wouldn't believe if I told you, I whined. Well how bout you try me? Nai asked. Taking a deep breath I let it out.

"I HAD A DREAM".... I said looking at Nai to gauge her reaction. And the reactions I got were priceless.

Her face went from calm to puzzled to surprised to confused in a flash and before she could say anything I beat her to it and said,

"Wait... before you say anything, yes I'm totally okay and no I wasn't asleep". "Then you better start explaining", she said and I nodded meekly.

The thing is I've been having these weird dreams for some weeks now and I didn't really place much importance on them because they form most of my thoughts when I'm awake.

But Nai this is the first time I had one while I was awake.... "and under the water competing, wrong timing if I may add". Nai said butting in.

Nai, I said glaring playfully at her... "Sorry, she replied doing a zip up motion across her lips". Naiddy it was so real, I continued, like I've lived it before or something....

"Lived it before how?" She cut me off again. I pretended she didn't and murmured "it was a flashback Nai, like a forgotten memory. I said.

"That's all? Well I'm confused as shit", she cut me off again. No ma'am, that's not all,maybe if you let me talk for once without cutting me off you would understand. I said.

Well in the dream you were also there and we wer.... "awwwwn, Nai cooed cutting me off again, I was there?

Awwn besties for everrrrrr even in the dream". And can I quickly say that I've had enough of her cutting me off?

Naiddy the thing is we weren't looking normal in the dream, we were both shirtless and we ...."pls Ner don't tell me we were having sex" she said cutting me off again.

"What? Sex? No!, I replied quickly. We had like reeeeealllyyyyy long hair and they formed out shirts because they were covering out titties and...

We were underwater and breathing fine and our hands were webbed and scaly and we had kinda like scary faces and mermaid tails.

I remember us saying we were using mermaid costumes for Halloween but I never really thought we were gonna be scary looking mermaids and underwater for that matter Nai.

And besides our tails weren't just your regular colorful and shiny mermaid tails, Nai they were sooooooooo long and they had...,

....Spikes? Nai cut me off again and I swear I would've killed her if she wasn't my best friend slash sister slash soulmate...

Ner did we have Tails with spikes? She asked again. Uumm yes I answered, not noticing how all color had drained from her face.

Well I just said we were underwater, breathing fine with scaly bodies and long hair and the only thing that caught your attention where the tails we had?

I'm pretty sure all the descriptions I gave fits a mermaid, unless there's a new fish, shark or whale we don't know about that looks like that, I added and immediately something clicked in my head.

Nai how do you even kn.... we weren't Mermaids Nerrisa, "WE WERE SIRENS". She said cutting me off again....

What do y'all think about this chapter and Nerrisa's explanation for her near death experience??
Oh and by the way, I like Naida already, she's so annoying and I find it entertaining. Who's your favorite among the both of them?
I know this chapter wasn't that long but y'all are gonna have to bear with me. I'll make it up I promise😉
Till next chapter my lovelies.

Nita Kim appreciates you 💜

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