CHAPTER 19: Lakelyn Siblings

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Kai is Mayim reincarnated? I thought, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel as I called my older sister for the seventh time in a row.

"Come on sis, fuckin' pick up the phone, this is urgent", I muttered.

Deciding against going to her house, because it's only past nine in the fuckin' morning on a workday, I started the car and drove to her workplace hoping to meet her there.

After about fifteen minutes, I arrived there and stopped the car without getting out, picking up my phone just in time to see a text message from her.

Before Me❤️😚:
What's sup hoe? Why'd you wanna blow up my phone?

We need to talk, it's REALLY urgent and important. You busy?

Before Me ❤️😚:
Not really, just went to my workplace to pick up a few things, I'm working from the comfort of my home today but I'll be leaving soon.

"I'm outside your workplace"

Before Me ❤️😚:
Okay, I'll be out in ten. See ya.

True to her word, she came out at exactly ten minutes. She got in the car and while she was putting her seatbelt on and settling in, I started the car and drove off in the direction of her house. Without saying a word.

After driving in suffocating silence for a few minutes, she finally spoke up, unable to bear it any longer.

"You know for someone who claimed to have REALLY urgent and important things to say, you're pretty cool and quiet right now".

"I mean it's gotta be really important if you called me more than once and even went through the trouble of driving here, let's not forget that you ditched work. So start talking kiddo". She finished, looking at me.

Taking a deep breath, I said, "promise you won't freak out or over react". She just shrugged and replied, "I'll try not to, now spill".

I opened my mouth to tell her but the words just wouldn't come out, I tried again but no luck.

So I spent the next ten to fifteen seconds opening and closing my mouth like a fish outside water.

Impatient and irritated, she yelled, "If you knew you weren't gonna say anything, then why'd you bother brin.....


.....ging me out?" My sis said, too flabbergasted by my reveal that the last parts of her words were low and filled with disbelief.

The car was silent after that, and I watched her trying to process what she'd just heard. I drove patiently, sneaking glances from time to time and waiting for her to say something until...

"Stop the car". She suddenly commanded.

Confused, I quickly asked, "stop the car? Why? Where are you going?

"Just stop the car Gavy, don't make me say it the third time". She demanded.

Having no choice but to oblige, I stopped the car by the side of the road and watched my sister unbuckle her seatbelt, get out of the car, walk a little distance from the car and scream, "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING MEEEEEE".

Taking a few deep breaths, she walked back in, sat down, put her seatbelt on and said, "Let's go".

As if she did just have an outburst in the middle of the road, with people peering their heads out of their vehicles, looking at her.

But then again, this isn't about them, is it?

Having no choice but to oblige again, I brought the car to life and continued our journey to her place.

A couple of minutes later, we arrived and I was slightly worried because she didn't say a word after "let's go" and her face and expressions have been neutral, making it impossible to fathom what was going through her mind.

We got inside the house and she just asked, "what'd you wanna drink?" While walking in the direction of the refrigerator and I muttered, "water's fine", while she nodded and went to the kitchen to get what I presume was a glass.

While she was out of my sight, I started panicking, my palms were sweaty and I kept wondering, why's she so cool about this? Does she not believe me? Does she think I'm making this up? Is she in shock and still too stunned to speak?

She came back later with two glasses of water and wine, handed the glass of water to me, and took a sip out of her glass while sitting down and asking, "So you were saying??"

Relief washed over me at her question. Happy that she was able to handle this without freaking out too much, I repeated my words from earlier.

"Kai is Mayim reincarnated". and I low-key waited for another outburst but she was silent.

Then, nodding slightly and swirling the glass in her hand, she replied calmly, too calmly if I may add, "Mayim I know, but Kai I know not". Mind elaborating, little brother??"

More than happy to, I eagerly nodded and answered her.

"Kai is Delmar's best friend and although I've met him before, I only just saw his face today and believe me sis, he is Mayim".

Face scrunched up in thought, she asked, "Delmar? As in your boyfriend Delmar?"

"Yes sis, the one and only". I replied, waiting for her to get what I meant.

"So if Kai is Delmar's best friend, doesn't that mean he's.... Oh my goodness! My sis exclaimed as the realization finally hit her.

"Yup, that's right sis, he's Nerrisa's new trainee and him and Nerrisa were making out on her desk this morning when I walked into her office". I added while my sis grinned.

"This is unbelievable! Amazing! I'm so excited Gavy! This means she can actually get her memories back faster and remember us". She sang joyfully..

"And when she does, we get to do and say some things freely around her without having to explain, avoid or lie to her", I added, slightly sad that I couldn't call her sis in front of Nerrisa yet.

Not that I couldn't tho, just that I'd either avoid the questions she would ask, explain them or lie to her.

Lie to her. Something I've been doing since our childhood days.

Detecting the hint of sadness in my tone, my sis held my hand and said reassuringly, "I know keeping things from her is eating you up Gavy but it's not your fault you've been lying to her all these years okay?"

"We just have to come clean and tell her about our relationship Gavy, who knows, she might get her memories of us back", my sis reasoned and I nodded.

"We'll have to tell her when she gets home later in the day because with her and Mayim finally meeting? I can't wait or hide it anymore", I said hugging her.

"Me too Gavy, me too", she said hugging me back. "I love you so much brother", she added passionately and it took everything in me not to shed tears. I've missed hugging my sis like this.

"I love you too big sister", I replied before we both froze when we heard,

"Gavy? Brother? Big sister? What the fuck is going on here Naida??

Dun dun dun dun
Everything is happening so quickly now. These two are no longer a secret cus Nerrisa just found out and got the biggest shock of her life.

I'm not sure that's the biggest shock tho, compared to what she's finding out next.

Also Gavornee saving Naida's phone number as "Before me" is just too cute a way to portray she's older and was born before him😊

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