Day Off PT 1

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Buck's POV:

Asking for a day off was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I run into burning buildings on a daily basis, but that's nothing compared to the concerned look that Bobby gives you when you ask to take a day off.

"Are you okay?" Bobby's look of concern is enough to make me want to take it back.

"I just..." I squirmed in my seat, feeling uncomfortable to tell him the truth. "I... my therapist said it would be good."

"You're seeing a therapist?" Bobby sounded surprised.

"I started a few months ago," I fiddled with my hands, avoiding eye contact with him. "And things are going well. He just said that I should create a life outside of work."

"So you want to take the day off?" Bobby sounded like he was piecing together a puzzle.

"Yes," I nod. "So I can figure out things I like outside of work. And outside of the team." I said the last part as more of a mumble.

"What do you mean?" Bobby sat up.

"I mean, I also need to find a life outside of this crew. I rely on all of you too much. My life is this fire station, and I need to branch out a little." I gave the speech my therapist and I worked on all of the last session.

"I see," he nods, looking off as he ponders this. "Well then, I will have someone fill in your shift for tomorrow. Take the long weekend, and enjoy yourself."

Tomorrow being Friday gave me a whole weekend to explore new things, which is good. But I felt intimidated by the idea.

"Hey," Bobby must have noticed because he added, "You can always come around if you get bored."

"That would go against the purpose of this day," I shake my head. "I have to branch out on my own."

"But you're not alone," he reminded me.

"I know," I nod. I am never alone because I have such an amazing work family. "But I need this."

"I understand," he nods.

"Thanks," I stand up. "I will see you Monday then."

"See you," he nods.

I leave, heading for the lockers to gather my things. Even though I gave him a day's notice, Bobby is still giving me tomorrow off, which is a breath of relief. I have been working up the nerve all week to talk to him.

"He Buck," Eddie comes into the locker room as I am packing. "What were you talking about with Bobby?"

"I asked for the day off tomorrow," I shoved my gym clothes into my bag and closed my locker. "He gave it to me."

"Have any plans for tomorrow?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not really," I shrug on my bag.

"Then why ask for the day off?" Eddie leans against the lockers, crossing his arms. He looked broody, making me want to crack a smile.

"Because I need to do things for me every once in a while," I shrug, moving past him. "See ya Monday."

"Wait," he calls out, catching up to walk beside me. "Would you like to come over this weekend? Chris got a new game and I am sure he would love someone to play it with."

"He has you," I point out.

"Well after I beat him, he doesn't want to play with me anymore," he smirks.

"You mean, when he beats you and you refuse to play again because you're a sore loser?" I knew my Diaz boys too well.

"Okay, yeah," he sighs. "He would like an actual challenge. Apparently I am not even close to his "level"."

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