𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 '𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'

874 14 5

Summary: Regulus has a perfect plan to show Y/n how much he loves her. 

Word count: 0.6k

Spring flew away and summer hit like a cool breeze. Regulus was now alone, in his vacation cabin, left with only his yearning. 

Yearning for Hogwarts. Yearning for his brother. And yearning for Y/n.

She was all he could think about. The radiance of the sun made him think about the brightness of her smile. The chirps of the birds made him think about the smoothness of Y/n's voice. The flavor of fresh strawberries made him think about the taste of Y/n's lips.

He knows he loves her. Everyone could see how he acted like a lovesick fool whenever she was around. He had to tell her, but words seemed to fail him every time he tried. 

But this time he was determined to say it. He was going to let the universe know just how much he loves her.

It was a simple plan, really. 

The first stop was a museum. Y/n's favorite.

They've been there thousands of times. And on each trip, Regulus would always find a painting that he knew Y/n would like and say, "This reminds me of you." 

When she asks why, he would nonchalantly shrug and say, "It's beautiful." 

After that, he would have the pleasure of seeing a small smile make its way onto Y/n's lips. 

"You're so cheesy," she would note with a devoted smile. Her gentle hands would push at his chest as she laughed lightly. 

"You love it." Regulus would state. 

"Do I?" 

"Don't tease me, pretty girl."

They would spend hours in that museum together. Regulus would spend a whole lifetime in there with Y/n if he could.

Y/n's eyes would be wide with awe at the paintings, and similarly, Regulus' heart would flutter with admiration for Y/n.

Y/n was in love with the world, and Regulus wanted to give it to her. 

The second stop was at the outdoor market. 

Regulus would get her ice cream and insist to pay for her. Of course, Y/n could pay for herself but where is the fun in that? 

Inevitably, the ice cream would melt due to the summer heat, and Regulus would help wipe the sticky drops off her face. It was these small acts of domesticity that would make Y/n's heart soar. 

While Y/n was distracted with finishing her ice cream, Regulus would surprise her with her favorite flowers. 

"Aw Reg, you didn't have to!" She would exclaim, pretending to have a frown on her face.

"You know I love buying things for you, sweetheart." His words were nothing but truthful. He had burned a hole through his family's fortune just with gifts for Y/n. 

Y/n's face would grow pink at the pet name, causing a sly smirk to appear on Regulus' face. He loved how easy it was for Y/n to get flustered. Just like how easy it was to fall in love with her. 

"Someday I will get you back for buying me all these things!" 

"I await that day, love." 

The last stop of the plan was at the park. 

It was no ordinary park of course. There was a beautiful marble water fountain at the center. The perfect place for Regulus' confession. 

"Y/n, I want to tell you something," Regulus uttered with a noticeable tremble in his voice. "Promise not to get mad at me?" 

"I could never get mad at you," Y/n stated. 

Regulus took a deep breath like one would before diving into a body of water. 

"I love you." 

Y/n's worried eyes grew fond. The corners of her lips were upturned. A small giggle escaped her lips.

"I love you, too."

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