Chapter 16

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Shen Liyao continued to stare at Irene as she picked out the coriander leaves for Lisa.

He didn't believe the rumors from the International Class about how Irene would give Lisa desserts everyday. But now that he saw it with his own eyes, he had no choice but to believe it.

He clenched his fist tightly. It felt as if a huge pot of oil was boiling in him, making him feel anxious and annoyed.

Even he himself was not aware of the reason why when he saw such a scene, it was like a needle had been pricked into his eyes. It was much too painful to watch.

He didn't think that Irene had truly fallen for Lisa.

She was still angry. Angry at both her family and him.

Or else she didn't have to purposely pick out the coriander leaves for Lisa right in front of him.

She was doing this on purpose.

However, if she was hoping for him to approach her again, that would be impossible. Since he's already done it once, he won't do it again.

His pride wouldn't allow it.

Shen Liyao calmed down. He decided to first allow Irene to cool off. Then when she's done with her tantrum, everything will go back to normal.

He lowered his gaze. He was unwilling to look at them again as it might disrupt his feelings. Thus, he picked up his bag and walked out of the library with a quick pace.

The cold wind blew at him ruthlessly. Shen Liyao still had the paper which he made highlighting the important areas of the Hundred School Tournament in his hands. He walked up to the trash can. With a cold expression, he crumpled up the paper and was about to throw it away when he hesitated. In the end, he opened up the paper with a frown.

He walked to a desk at the main entrance, folded the paper and placed it within the pages of a book. Then, he passed it to the librarian. "Hello. Please help me pass this to a student from the International Class."


Lisa crossed his arms as he leaned back on the chair, his eyes glaring at Shen Liyao.

Only when Shen Liyao left the library did he withdraw from throwing daggers with his gaze.

He dipped his head to the left and stole a glimpse at Little Mask* who was beside him.

T/N: while it is not explained in detail, I would assume that Irene is wearing a mask similar to that of a surgical mask, if not a cloth mask.

Irene was earnestly picking out the coriander leaves.

Lisa observed her for a while. In the end, he couldn't help but to ask, "Who was that? A friend of yours?"

Irene followed his gaze to look at the entrance. She belatedly realized that he was talking about Shen Liyao.

Irene hesitated before speaking, "I guess."

"You guys are rather close, huh?" Lisa feigned a tone of nonchalance. He tried his best not to let his jealousy seep through. "I saw how he kept on staring at you. Does he have something to say?"

"We're alright." Irene answered. If the fact that she was avoiding Shen Liyao nowadays didn't mean that their relationship was just 'alright', then she didn't know how else to describe it.

Thus, she added, "We're merely acquaintances."

It wasn't until Irene was done speaking did she feel that something was odd. It had been almost two weeks since she transferred to the International Class. Usually, this fop would either ask her to leave or get her to run errands for him. She could decipher his behavior of giving her gifts today as a way to repay her, but why was he suddenly asking her about the people from the Gold Medal Class?

I Just Want to Freeload on Your Luck (Lisrene)Where stories live. Discover now