Chapter Thirteen

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Sophie waited for Heather to ask her about Thorin, but to her surprise, she didn't seem to even remember having seen him earlier. Good. The fewer questions she had to answer right now, the better, especially since she wasn't certain what those questions might be or if she might even be able to answer them.

It was nearly nine when they approached the Great Hall and as he looked up from his conversation with Fíli, Thorin caught her eye and offered up a grin so filled with mischief, it almost brought heat to her cheeks. She returned it, with hopefully just as much mischief as his, and then found herself biting back a laugh as it was his turn to blush, which was something she had not expected at all. And while she found his his blush adorable, it was apparent he was not comfortable or amused by it, judging by the sidelong glances he cast first at both Fíli on his left, then Dís on his right.

"Mister Thorin!" Heather's voice rang out across the Great Hall like a peal of a bell.

He bobbed his head at Fíli, then rose from his chair to skirt the table, catching Heather as she launched herself at him. "Take care, mimûna, I'm not as young as I used to be."

"But you only have a little silver in your hair," she told him, grabbing a long curly section that was actually more dark than silver, "so you're not really old."

"I didn't say really old," he told her with a chuckle, "just not young any more."

"Heather, take care, you're bordering on rude," Sophie told her.

"Sorry, Mama," Heather said earnestly. "Sorry, Mister Thorin."

"It's quite all right. How are you this morning?" He leaned around her to brush Sophie's cheek with a kiss.

"I'm fine," Heather told him, linking her fingers at the back of his neck to hold herself away from him. "No more monsters came to my dreams."

A chill rippled down Sophie's back. "Why don't we go and find breakfast, Heather?"

"Mister Thorin stayed with me until I fell back asleep this morning." Heather directed this over his shoulder to Dís. "So I wouldn't be scared."

"Did he?" Dís asked mildly and Sophie felt her face grow hot as Dís offered her brother a knowing look and smile as she spoke. "He used to do that for my boys, Miss Heather, when they were about your age."

"You did?" Heather looked back at Thorin.

He nodded. "I did. And I used to read to them and wrestle with them when the mood struck as well."

"And you chased away nightmare monsters, too?"

Another nod. "And I chased away nightmare monsters, too."

Heather smiled and before Sophie could insist they go find something for breakfast, Heather said, "Mister Thorin and Mama were up late talking last night so Mama let him sleep over on our sofa."

Fíli and Kíli exchanged knowing looks, while Dís' smile grew far wider as she replied, "Is that so?"

The heat in Sophie's face worsened as Heather nodded. "Oh, it is, Lady Dís. And I had a bad dream and Mister Thorin tucked me back in bed and stayed with me until I went back to sleep."

Dís' expression softened at that. "He is good at chasing monsters away."

"He is."

Dís looked from Heather to Thorin. "I'm glad he was there to help you."

"Me, too."

"All right," Thorin gazed down at Heather, "I believe I see Miss Oakmane in the doorway so why don't you go and let your mother get to her meeting with Mr. Bifur and I will see you later?"

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