Until I Found You

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Summary: Working their way up to a settled adulthood, Marinette and Adrien, now 23, gain a reason to believe that they are expecting—way earlier than they ever planned. Still unwed, it evokes a revelation on Adrien's behalf.

Was it time to take the next step forward?


Normally, Adrien wouldn't be so annoyed with his girlfriend. He loved her to death. She was his other half. The rays to his cloudy days. The reason he looked forward to waking up every day. His lady. His soulmate.

But it wouldn't have hurt her to text him back.

Marinette had told Adrien she would be out all day with Alya, Kagami, Juleka, and Rose. It was their designated girls' day which he was quite used to her having. She would only hang out with all of them every month or so since everyone's schedules have been so busy.

Everyone was grown up and had jobs. Marinette built her own fashion line from the ground up, which recently started to take off. Alya was working up the ladder within the media industry. Adrien never understood all the terms she would use to describe her job. He constantly had to ask Nino to break it down for him. It was unclear what Juleka and Rose were up to. Adrien never thought to ask. Though he knew Kagami was working alongside her mother; however, she didn't exactly enjoy it.

It was nice that Marinette still had those connections to her friends from school. Don't get him wrong, he was happy for her. Regardless, she had assured him that she'd be home at around 7. So, Arien prepped dinner. Ever since he started dating her, she had taught him basic meals to cook, which he was very excited to learn. He had never touched his kitchen back at the Agreste manor, so this was a great change for him. Adrien had cooked chicken parmesan with spaghetti. It took him a bit to get the hang of things, but he was honestly very proud of his dish. He couldn't wait for Marinette to try it. Though, it was almost ruined with Plagg insisting to sprinkle camembert cubes over the chicken. His kwami was such a nuisance, but he cared for the little guy.

Marinette had been acting differently for the past couple of weeks. He assumed it was the stress of her job and such, but he wasn't entirely sure. She always closed off on him when he asked. That's what initiated the plan for this dinner. He wanted her to relax and enjoy an evening at home.

Adrien had texted her periodically throughout the day until it was noon, and he was asking if she was still able to make it home in time for dinner. The problem was she had stopped responding. It was unlike her to ignore or forget to reply back to him. She always made a point to even tell him if she was busy to text. But this time, it was like her phone fell off the face of the Earth.

At first, Adrien was worried something might have happened. So, he texted Alya to make sure everything was alright. She replied fairly quickly that they were fine but just simply busy with something.

He was fine with this answer and decided to just start cooking in time for it to be ready by 7 when she was supposed to be coming home.

The problem was that it was now 9:21 P.M., and there was still no word from his girlfriend. Plagg was now dozed off in the bedroom, and the food was placed in the oven to keep it from growing cold. It only helped a bit. He would have to warm it up by the time Marinette got home. Or maybe she had already eaten; who knows?

Adrien had sent multiple texts to let him know if she was coming home anytime soon. He tried to sound not... mad. Or, at least, not controlling. He was honestly just concerned about why she was out later than she said she would be. It was not like her at all. Usually, he wouldn't mind if she was out late. She was free to do whatever she pleased and he was happy to sit back and let her be. She was probably out having fun with the girls. But he was excited about this surprise dinner he had planned for her, he couldn't help but be at least a little upset. Marinette was typically the one who cooked, despite him wanting to try to contribute more. Adrien thought it would have been nice to do something for her when she came home from the day out. Especially since she had work in the morning.

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