Tag, You're It

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Summary: Adrien and Marinette, now 26 years old, run into a new akumatized villain. Though, the villain is not as new as they originally thought. They recognize him as Chris Lahiffe, who they have faced before under the name 'Timetagger'. With rough memories of the past, the superhero duo attempts to figure out how they fought Timetagger from the future--their present home.

An insight into what had happened on the other side of Bunnyx's portal during Timetagger... 12 years later.


"You called?" Marinette chimed right as she picked up her phone.

"Yeah, I was just calling to tell you I'm on my way home. Are you there yet?" her husband asked on the other side of the line.

She shook her head, despite knowing he couldn't see her. "No, I just dropped Emma off at Alya and Nino's a bit ago. I'm walking home now. Should be there in 10 minutes."

"Sweet, we'll probably get home around the same time."

"Most likely," she replied, keeping an eye out on the roads as she crossed the street. "You should've seen how excited Alya was to watch Emma for the weekend. Especially now with their baby on the way, she looked forward to getting some experience before their little one is born."

"Oh, I know. Nino was also telling me how he looked forward to spending time with Emma. You know how Emma is obsessed with and loves them."

Marinette smiled. "She does. And they love her despite her constant crazy behavior as of lately."

"She probably takes after you."

" Hey! You're the one who always jumps off buildings recklessly with no sense of consequences. Do you want me to help you recall those memories from school?"

Adrien laughed. "You got me there, M'lady."

"I mean, who even does that?"

"Your handsome, charming, and incredibly sexy husband?"

She rolled her eyes, thankful he couldn't tease her for the smile that tightened her lips. "Woah there Kitty, we weren't even dating at that time."

"Doesn't make any of it less true."

"The husband part does."

"Eh, technicalities. You wished I was your husband back then."

She chuckled. "I was fourteen!"

"You were in love with me~" he sang, clearly having a blast teasing her for the major school crush she had on him. It was like he would gladly take any opportunity he saw to hang it over her head. Not that she had a problem with it, but they were married now. There's gotta be a line somewhere to stop such unnecessary teasing.

"I was in love with Adrien. Not Chat."

"You got there eventually. Though, I don't know why it took you so long. Chat is clearly the superior side of me."

"Yeah, you tell yourself that. I'm sure it helps you sleep at night."

She heard an awfully low chuckle on his side of the line. "You know what else helps me sleep at night?"

Marinette groaned as she glanced over and saw her reflection staring back at her from a store window. "If this is another one of your innuendos..."

Adrien stifled a laugh. It was definitely one of his mischievous ones. "What? Emma isn't around. I can't flirt with my wife?"

And Then There Was Us - Ladynoir/Adrinette One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now